Primary absence data Source: DfE SFE 18 : 2018
Secondary absence data Source: DfE SFE 18 : 2018
Primary absence Autumn Term data Compares DfE data May 2018 release information for Autumn Term absence
Secondary absence Autumn Term data Compares DfE data May 2018 release information for Autumn Term absence
Attendance Maps: Count of PAs Pupils were mapped based upon their location in the January 2017 School Census. The stronger the purple colour, the higher the count of PA pupils in that area. Attendance data derived from school census data.
Absence due to illness: Autumn Data Compares DfE data May 2018 release information for Autumn Term absence: Looks at 3 years worth of data for sessions lost to illness compared with sessions possible. Other reasons for absence may also have changed. This chart uses illness as an example – not necessarily as a key change.
What are we doing to improve attendance? Attendance Strategy Behaviour and Attendance Group School Attendance Network to share and support good practice in schools School Attendance Team – preventative work e.g. PARs/Audits/Traded Offer Health-related Absence Project (school nurses) Publicity campaign to encourage behaviour change
Attendance strategy That parents meet their responsibilities to ensure their child attends schools regularly That schools have effective leadership and management of attendance in place That partners provide additional needs-based support that contributes to improvements in attendance That a high profile of the key attendance messages is maintained in the community
Previous attendance campaign
East Sussex model
9 key drivers for school absence in Portsmouth Curriculum not meeting need Parenting skills and parental mental health / family circumstances Health of the child - genuine / fake / mental health / anxiety / medical appointments Low aspirations / not valuing education Peer relationship problems / bullying / social skills / don't feel they fit in / belong Relationship with the school Outside pressures within the community / social media Transport issues - reluctant to walk / get the bus Holidays / extended leave
Portsmouth school attendance publicity campaign – audience Parents Pupils (including whole year groups) School staff Health professionals (GPs, Dentists, Pharmacies, Health Visitors) Local communities Social Care/Community workers Police/PCSO Housing Magistrates
Portsmouth school attendance publicity campaign – message Hard-hitting / high profile message Visual impact (not too wordy) / logo Positive message / celebrate successes Restorative approach Pride in Portsmouth / benefits for Portsmouth Consistency across the city / from all professionals Highlight impact on attainment and achievement Link to safeguarding concerns / keeping children safe Utilize peer pressure Emphasize the importance of education from pre-school Link to aspirations / careers
Portsmouth school attendance publicity campaign – channels Social media / Twitter / Facebook Multimedia / Website / Funny YouTube clips / Clever memes Buses / bus stops / lamp posts Local press / radio adverts Fridge magnets Health App Face to face Assemblies / Newsletters / postcards home GP surgeries Portsmouth Football Club
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