OSU Alpha pi mu
Who “are” we?
But really, who are we? Industrial Engineers Officers Criteria Min grade standings Ranks Quirky grad student reqs Do-good’ers Academics & Social Hard workin’ common & not so common folk
What do we do? Serve as the industrial engineering honor society “Confer” recognition (“give props*”) upon the student of industrial engineering who has shown exceptional academic interests and abilities in the field of industrial engineering Encourage participation in activities which may be beneficial to the profession of industrial engineering Encourage wherever possible any movement which will advance the best interest of industrial engineering education Further unify the student body of the department of industrial engineering in presenting its needs and ideals to the faculty
What do we do?...part II! Student-faculty relationship Profs know APM, and APMers Benefit its members by the association and experience that can come from bringing together a group with similar interests, objectives and abilities [i.e. engineers spending time w/ fellow engineers] Promote the professional development and welfare of its members Service Coordinate MIME events
Why do we do it? We’re into IE We’re serious about our futures We enjoy doing group/community activities We want to shed good light on the OSU COE and IE We like getting involved/helpin’ out Self-builder Resume builder
Not a dead club! Not an overbearing club! ¡PLANS! Service Habitat for Humanity (~2x Winter term, 1x Fall already) Benton food share? Activities IIE-SME ties Events Beaver Open House MIME Food Drive MIME Awards Ceremony Others… Funds (Jeff*) Not a dead club! Not an overbearing club!
What do we do want? You!
Benefits Recognition as someone who has shown exceptional academic interests, abilities and leadership in the field of industrial engineering. Association and experience of belonging to a group with similar interests, objectives and abilities. Participation in activities beneficial to the industrial engineering profession and industrial engineering education. Opportunity to create a closer student-faculty relationship by periodically bringing together the thoughts, needs and ideals of both. Opportunity to assist and cooperate with all organizations and persons concerned with the interests of industrial engineering. Opportunity to promote the professional development and welfare of the members. Service cred Meet and develop relationships w/ classmates Lifetime membership Scholarships (Resume line item)
How to join? / Questions?