College Course Enrollment Registering for College Classes
General information: diplomas and degrees 1st meet hs diploma High school graduation requirements Millennium scholarship/college admission 2nd work toward college degree General college core Use electives to explore Transferrable courses
Complete the following: Course mapping Complete the following: Mandatory courses each semester Math English History/Government Millennium scholarship/college admission Science (3 yrs.) Math (4 yrs.) 1 yr. hs algebra 2 or above 24 hs credits
Course mapping: high school requirements High school to college requirements U.S. History HIST 101 & HIST 102 (You must take BOTH) U.S. Government PSC 101 (210 does not meet hs gov’t req.) Do not take PSC 100 World History (if you did not take this already) Contact NSHS office for options
Course mapping: number of classes Juniors- min. 6 classes Seniors- min. 4 classes Transitions counts as a class COMPASS is not included in class count Students without the legally required number of courses will be withdrawn from NSHS DO NOT DROP CLASSES
Course mapping: flowchart Plan for math & English Remedial classes CSN/GBC placement retest ACT/SAT scores Take Winter/summer courses
Course Mapping: Flowchart
Course mapping: prerequisites Classes to move on to the next course require the following: “C” or better NOT “C-” If transferring grade from another college Communicate directly with college registrar’s office MUST send official after completion Evaluations can take 6-8 weeks – plan ahead
Course mapping: how many college classes Failure of any class; or <=2.0 college GPA; in remediation; failed state test; missing deadlines 4 college classes Meets all requirements for 5 classes, but has a D 5 college classes Pass all classes; no remediation, no repeat of prerequisites, & pass all state tests & >=2.0 College GPA; meets deadlines
Course mapping: exemption requirements Exemption highlights for study skills Pass all courses Pass all state and local testing Out of college remediation Earn GPA above 2.0 Timely submission & response Meet NSHS expectations Good attendance and tardies
Adding College Courses Students are responsible for enrolling into their college courses NSHS cannot enroll or drop for the student All students must have a complete, confirmed college schedule through the CAP form
Adding College Courses: enrollment date Course enrollment dates Student center home page YOUR first date to enroll Do NOT miss your date Open enrollment Be persistent!
Adding College Courses: searching for classes Part a: search button Review, click “enter mycsn student center” Click “search”
Adding College Courses: searching for classes Part b: search criteria Enter the search criteria: Term (Spring 2017) Subject & course # Example (MATH 96) Optional search criteria: Days/times of course Locations Instructors More Make sure “show open classes only” option is chosen!
Adding College Courses: searching for classes Part c: finding preferred classes Looking for course information Days & times Location Room Instructor Meeting dates “Select class” You like this one!
Adding College Courses: wait list Part a: holding Check, “wait list” You are not yet enrolled!
Adding College Courses: enrollment status Part b: status Confirm classes in shopping cart Symbols for class status Green- class available Blue- class closed Yellow- wait list You can quickly access the shopping cart by going “Plan”-> “Shopping Cart”
Adding College Courses: finalize! Part c: enrollment Finalize enrollment Select desired classes Click “enroll” Delete classes here Click “delete” Be careful! Click, “proceed to step 2 of 3”
Adding College Courses : Finalize DON’T FORGET TO CLICK ENROLL!
Search for winter courses under Spring 2017 Check that it starts in December and ends January Condensed, 5 week courses May require NSHS proctoring – check availability Winter = Spring Winter classes count as part of Spring schedule Add winter classes to Spring CAP form
Winter Courses: GBC Search
Next steps: CAP Due Dec. 12/5-12/22 CAP: course approval for payment This is how we pay for your classes Complete CAP form and attach printout of classes Make sure you have classes for the next semester Submit a new form if you make changes and each term Classes at the end of the semester must match the CAP or you will be fined the difference The CAP has a whole process video for you!
Next steps: Sample CAP ENG 102 CSN MATH 126 GBC HIST 102 GBC PSC 101 GBC W BIOL 101 + LAB CSN
Seek assistance for scheduling questions Next steps: Resources Seek assistance for scheduling questions Watch tutorial videos on MOODLE Submit a ticket Call the office Meet with a staff member
Thank you!