Advanced Placement at Alexander High School What is A.P.? What are the benefits of taking A.P. classes? What are the challenges of A.P. classes?
What is A.P.? Advanced Placement classes are college-level courses that prepare the student for the expectation of college course work and give the opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school.
Current AHS A.P. Courses Biology Music Theory Calculus Physics Chemistry Psychology Computer Science Principles Research (Capstone) Seminar (Capstone Computer Science A Spanish Lang & Culture English Lang & Comp Statistics English Lit & Comp Studio Art Environmental Science U.S. Government French Lang & Culture United States History Human Geography World History Macroeconomics Microeconomics
What are the benefits of taking A.P. Classes?
1. Gain the edge in college preparation. Get a head start on exactly the sort of work you will confront in college. Improve your writing skills and sharpen your problem-solving technique. Develop the study habits necessary for tackling rigorous course work.
“One of the best standard predictors of academic success at Harvard is performance on AP Examinations.“ - William R. Fitzsimmons, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Harvard University
University of Michigan Performance of AP Students and Non-AP Students in First Upper-Level Courses University of Michigan Subject AP Mean GPA Non-AP U.S. History 3.38 2.95 European History 3.31 3.11 English 3.26 Biology 3.32 3.07 Physics 3.16 2.88 Chemistry 2.77
• 45% of students who have taken one AP course and 61% of students who have taken two or more AP courses are completing their bachelor’s degrees in four years or less. • Only 29% of students who enroll in colleges without having taken AP are completing their bachelor’s degrees on schedule. • 60% of all recent high school graduates entering a community college last year needed to take at least one remedial course.
2. Stand out in the college admissions process. Demonstrate your maturity and readiness for college. Show your willingness to push yourself to the limit. Emphasize your commitment to academic excellence. **Guidance counselors report that due to the increase in freshman applications, major state colleges (i.e. UGA, Georgia Tech, and Georgia State) will not consider your application unless it contains some Honors or AP.
3. Broaden your intellectual horizons. Explore the world from a variety of perspectives. Study subjects in greater depth and detail. Assume the responsibility of reasoning, analyzing, and understanding for yourself.
4. Earn college credit Each AP Exam grade is a weighted combination of the student’s score on the multiple-choice section and on the free-response section. The final grade is reported on a 5-point scale: 5=extremely well qualified 4=well qualified 3=qualified 2=possibly qualified 1= no recommendation Scores of 3, 4, & 5 are accepted at most schools and earn credit hours toward completion of a degree – THAT EQUALS MONEY!!
What are the challenges of taking A.P. classes?
Increased workload Advanced Placement courses are college level courses that require commitment and hard work. The workload is greater and the expectations are higher than in college preparatory classes. If your student works a job or is involved in extracurricular activities, a brief adjustment period can be expected. However, this challenge can be met with self-discipline and good time management skills.
Recommendations A student should limit enrollment in AP courses to no more than four courses a year. Students should play to their strengths. For example, it is not advisable for students to take AP Literature if they are not a good reader/writer or to take AP Calculus if they have struggled in math.
The State will calculate Honors and AP into GPAs for HOPE differently than “regular” classes. See a counselor for further information on this.
All students who have the determination and the desire are encouraged to enroll in Honor and A.P. classes.
For more information, visit www. collegeboard. com For more information, visit .You can download course descriptions, exam questions, and (the source for much of the information in this powerpoint) the Bulletin for AP Students and Parents. Stop by and see Mrs. Robinson in the media center with additional questions.