The First Christians 10-1
The First Christians Jews and the Romans During the 900’s BC David and Solomon united the Israelites creating the kingdom of Israel
The First Christians Jews and the Romans The Capital was Jerusalem at that time. Israel then divided into 2 kingdoms: Israel and Judah
The First Christians Jews and the Romans The kingdom would be short lived being conquered by the Assyrians, Chaldeans and Egyptians
The First Christians Jews and the Romans 63 BC the Romans took over Judah. In 6 AD the Emperor Augustus would turn Judah into the Roman Province Judaea
The First Christians Jews and the Romans Instead of a king, a Procurator ruled the new province. Procurator- Roman governor who ruled a province
The First Christians Jews and the Romans In 66 AD Jewish people called zealots took up arms against Rome thinking they should take their land back.
The First Christians Jews and the Romans Rome brutally crushed the rebellion The Romans destroyed the Jewish temple Killed thousands of Jews
The First Christians Jews and the Romans A Jewish general named Josephus fought in the war but later sided with the Romans and wrote The History of the Jewish War
The First Christians Jews and the Romans The Jewish people once more rebelled in 132 AD. The Romans then forced the Jews to leave Jerusalem and banned them forever from returning to the city.
The First Christians Jews and the Romans By 700 AD the Jews had scattered and set up communities in Spain and as far East as central Asia. In later centuries they would settle throughout Europe and the Americas. They would be persecuted wherever they went. Quiz 10-1A
The First Christians Jesus of Nazareth During the time of the Roman occupation of Judaea (Judah) many Jewish people hoped God would send a Messiah Messiah- In Judaism a deliverer sent by God.
The First Christians Jesus of Nazareth They wanted this Messiah to help win back their freedom. Many Jewish people expected the Messiah to be a great leader like David 10-1A
The First Christians Jesus of Nazareth 3 Decades before the first Jewish revolt, Jesus of Nazareth left his home and began preaching. Jesus preached from 30 AD to 33 AD throughout Judaea and Galilee. Galilee -Area North of Judaea
The First Christians Jesus of Nazareth Jesus assembled a close band of followers called disciples Much of what is known about the life of Jesus is found in the New Testament of the Christian Bible
The First Christians Jesus of Nazareth The main points of Jesus’ message comes from what is known as the Sermon on the Mount A person had to love and forgive from the heart Love your neighbor as yourself. These ideas were embedded in the Jewish environment in which Jesus preached
The First Christians Jesus of Nazareth To give his message Jesus often spoke with parables Parables- stories in everyday life to express spiritual ideas
The First Christians Jesus of Nazareth Very little is known about the years of Jesus’ life after age 12 until age 30 p.3