Fayetteville-Cumberland: Pathways to Possibilities Project Project Steering Committee Meeting May 30th, 2008 © 2005
Agenda Project Update Preliminary Economic Base Analysis Next Steps Interviews/focus groups/town halls completed Online survey Project Logo Public officials Preliminary Economic Base Analysis Q&A Next Steps Summit planning Next meeting agenda: Qualitative analysis, online survey results
Project Update Interviews/focus groups completed 17 sessions interviews/focus groups completed; since our last SC meeting we have met with: Sustainable development focus group Hope Mills focus group MBA student focus group Existing industries Elected official Finance professionals
Project Update Town Hall Meetings Spring Lake, April 29th 12 attendees Eastover, May 8th 75+ attendees Are these sufficient? Are additional meetings needed? Do you have the capacity to host, plan, facilitate, document, and publicize additional meetings? (SC role/UNC role)
Project Update Online Survey Opened on May 16 Distributed through steering committee and community stakeholders Available at Public Libraries Newspaper coverage 460 responses Will remain open through June 13
Project Update -- Logo A. B.
Project Update How do we connect this project better to elected officials in Fayetteville/ Cumberland County?
Economic Base Analysis Chris Beacham, RTS, Inc. Entrepreneurs Clusters Work skills Local, regional, national and global trends Drivers other than military Training needs Infrastructure needs
Next Steps Reach out to elected officials? Planning for Economic Summit Location, duration, logistics Next Steering Committee meeting, June 27th Qualitative analysis Survey results Comparable communities analysis
Survey Results -- preview Creating higher quality, high skill (better paying) jobs 4.39 Improving county public schools 4.38 Improving education and skill levels of workers 4.34 Improving quality of life for all residents 4.31 Attracting outside business to locate here 4.26 Improving the perception (reputation) of Fayetteville-Cumberland 4.2 Attracting entrepreneurs and encouraging business start-ups 4.17 Building an environmentally sustainable community Creating more jobs of all skill levels Increasing commercial development to ease the tax burden on residents 4.14 Creating more employment opportunities for youth to stay in the county 4.12 Developing more recreational and cultural opportunities 4.05 Reducing poverty and addressing social challenges Helping local businesses expand 4.01 Ensuring that low-income communities benefit from economic growth 3.95 Revitalizing Fayetteville’s downtown 3.77 Increasing tourism and associated amenities (restaurants, hotels, etc.) 3.72 Increasing public funding for economic development programs 3.66 Expanding residential growth 3.29 Entrepreneurs Clusters Work skills Local, regional, national and global trends Drivers other than military Training needs Infrastructure needs