(Ancient) World Religions
The Vedic Religion (ancient Hinduism) The religion of the Aryan Indus Valley 1500 BCE to 500 BCE also known as Vedism The Aryans left collection of sacred hymns, songs, prayers The Vedas Map of the Beginnings
Ancient Hinduism Method of worship The elements Fire and rivers worship of heroic gods chanting of hymns performance of sacrifices.
Ancient Hinduism Polytheistic Dharma – Duty Brahma (creator) and others Vishnu, Shiva, Devi Dharma – Duty Follow duty = good karma = move up caste Reincarnation Only men could reach ‘moksha’ “openness with the universe Sati – widows burned themselves on husbands funeral pyres
Buddhism Founded by Siddhartha Gautama (~500 BCE) Do not believe is a god. Four noble truths 1) Life is suffering 2) Suffering is caused by desire 3) There is a way out of the suffering 4) The way out is to follow the Eightfold Path
The Eightfold Path Acting from love and compassion Non-harmful communication Finding an ethical foundation Complete or full effort Goal – to reach nirvana (enlightenment) Everyone could reach nirvana Men and women were spiritual equals Women could become nuns in monasteries
Judaism Monotheistic Abraham considered founder of the Jews Yahweh Abraham considered founder of the Jews Hebrews are the chosen people of God Canaan is the chosen land Messiah will create God’s kingdom on Earth
Basic Beliefs of Judaism Death is not the end of human existence Focus on life instead of afterlife Believe dead will be physically resurrected One is saved through commitment to being moral to God
Social Impact of Judaism Short lived kingdom in the Middle East 1050 BCE – 930 BCE Jewish Diaspora The dispersion of Jews beyond Israel Heavy emphasis on tradition & culture Language, diet, holidays Patriarchal community Matrilineal descent Israel as a united monarchy lasted from 1050-930 BCE. Eventually it was divided into two kingdoms. The northern kingdom of Israel would last until 720 BCE. The southern kingdom of Judah would last until 586. The fall of the two kingdoms led to Jewish Diaspora.
The Diaspora
Christianity Founded by Jesus of Nazareth in 32 CE Sage (philosopher with wisdom, sound judgment) Performed miracles Devotion to God, love for fellow human beings Teachings become New Testament
Spread of Christianity Palestine was part of Roman Empire Jesus openly denounced Roman priests Romans were concerned about uprisings Jesus was “King of the Jews” Monotheism was a threat to religious toleration in Rome was executed (purely political motivation) Christianity should have died with him Followers were determined Paul of Tarsus (St. Paul) – Missionary who used Roman roads to spread Christianity
Islam Had visions, angel appeared Muhammad born in Mecca (Saudi Arabia) ~570 CE Had visions, angel appeared Began to spread message about the one true god Unlike Jesus (who Christians believe was God's son) Muhammad was a mortal, albeit with extraordinary qualities He preached a strong social justice message about equality and poverty
Islam Muslims believe that God had previously revealed Himself to the earlier prophets of the Jews and Christians Muslims therefore accept the teachings of both the Jewish Torah and the Christian Gospels Use their own text, the Koran (or Qur’an) Believe that Islam is the perfection of the religion Caliphs – leaders of the Muslim community Considered to be the religions successors of Muhammad