The Big Picture Follow Me
~ Alister McGrath, Surprised by Meaning, Conclusion “The Christian way of seeing things makes cognitive and existential sense of reality, offering us a powerful, persuasive, and attractive account of ourselves and our universe. Christianity does not simply make sense to us; it also makes sense of us. It positions us in the great narrative of cosmic history and locates us on a mental map of meaning. It offers us another way of seeing things, offers us another way of living, and invites us to share these.” ~ Alister McGrath, Surprised by Meaning, Conclusion
~ Stanley Hauerwas & William Willimon, Resident Aliens, ch. 5 “Christian ethics is about following this Jew from Nazareth, being a part of his people. Therefore, this ethics will probably not make much sense unless one knows that story, sees that vision, is part of that people. … It is not something that comes naturally. It can only be learned.” ~ Stanley Hauerwas & William Willimon, Resident Aliens, ch. 5
The Gospel of the Kingdom Watch & Discuss
Follow Me Only on Jesus’ terms (9:57ff) The Rich Ruler (18:18ff) “A disciple … will be like his teacher” (6:40) Take up his cross daily (9:23) The disciples left everything (5:11, 28) Count the cost (14:25ff)
Follow Me The Lord’s Commission to His Apostles Luke 24:44-48 You are my witnesses Repentance & forgiveness Mat 28:18-20 Make disciples Baptizing & teaching Mark 16:15-16 Proclaim the gospel Belief & baptism John 3:16; 3, 5 Be born again “Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ” (1Pe 3:21).
Three Big Questions How is God revealing himself? How does this make sense of us? Where do you stand in this story?
The Big Picture Follow Me