Science - Year 3/4A Spring 2 Plants A Feast of Flowers, Fruits and Seeds Session 3 Task PowerPoint © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.
The Waggle Dance 1. Waggle forward for 8 tiny steps 2. Turn to the left and fly back to the start 3. Waggle forward 8 small steps (over the same path as before) but this time turn to the right and fly back to the start 4. Repeat these 3 steps several times The Waggle Dance Spring 2 Spring 2
Honey bees collect nectar and then fly back to the hive. Here they turn the nectar into honey.
Bee puppets are fun and easy to make Bee puppets are fun and easy to make. They will help explain to guests at the feast how flowers are pollinated.
Work together with a partner to create a bee hand puppet Work together with a partner to create a bee hand puppet. You will need: 4 strips cut from a yellow dish cloth 1 black sock A ball of tissue paper 2 pieces of garden wire Some black tape A wing template and a sheet of white paper A small rubber band A wooden skewer 3 pipe cleaners
Make the head of your bee by stuffing a scrunched up ball of tissue paper into the toe of the sock. Wrap a small rubber band around it a couple of times to hold it in place. 2. Find the heel of the sock and turn the whole thing so that the heal is underneath. Use the skewer to push through the top of the sock to make 2 pilot holes ready for your antennae. It is easier to do this in the material just back from the toe section.
3. Take the skewer out and push a piece of garden wire in through the holes it has made. Curl the ends into loops to make a pair of antennae. 4. Lay your 3 pipe cleaners in a row. Use a couple of yellow strips to help you get the right spacing between them. Then take away the strips and lay a length of black tape across the middle. It should extend a few centimetres either side.
5. Turn the bee over (so the heel of the sock is on top and the antennae are on the bottom) and transfer your black tape and 3 pipe cleaners to the centre. The pipe cleaners have become the bee’s legs! 6. Spread PVA along the whole length of one of your yellow strips. Then one of you should put the puppet on your hand so your fingers reach right up to the rubber band. 7. The other person should wrap the glued strip around the puppet so it overlaps the black tape at the head end of the bee.
8. Glue the other strips one by one and wrap them around as before – put one between each pipe cleaner the last one overlapping the black tape at the tail end. The glued strips will help to hold the tape and legs firmly in place. 9. Bend the pipe cleaners downwards to look like insect legs.
10. To make the wings, fold a piece of thin card in half and line your template up with the fold. Draw round it and cut it out to make a pair of wings. 11. Lay the wings over the bee and wiggle a piece of garden wire underneath the stripes. If you find it hard, use the skewer to push through first.
12. Push the other end under the rubber band and bend it into a loop to hold it in place. Your bee puppet is now finished. You could stick on some googly eyes to give it more character! Try doing a waggle dance. Move it up and down to make the wings flap. Fly to a model flower and pollinate it whilst collecting nectar to make into honey. Move from flower to flower. Pretend you are wildlife film makers. Take turns to speak a commentary that explains all about bees and their role in pollinating flowers. Try to include all the key words on your task sheet. Write it down.