2017 Introduction to Sea Kayaking Course Course Structure and Schedule: The course consists of three lectures, one pool session, one open water session and one “wet paddle”. Lecture Sessions - Friends Hall 6:30-9:30pm Thu., April 27: Introduction, orientation, equipment overview, safety, introduction to basic techniques. Thu., May 4: Hypothermia, first aid equipment, introduction to tides and currents, weather for kayakers. Thu., May 11: Boat handling, leadership/followership, wilderness ethics, volunteerism, the next steps. Pool Session - River Ridge High School 6:00-9:30pm Fri., Apr 28: Swim test, entry and exit, rescue techniques, fitting your kayak, bracing. Open Water Session, - Kenneydell Park, Black Lake 9 am - 4 pm Sat., May 6: Boat loading and tie down, forward paddling, braces, turning strokes. Wet Paddle, - Boston Harbor 9 am - 4 pm Sat., May 13 or Sun., May 14: (There will be two wet paddles, each student must attend one of these sessions.) Four hour paddle and cold water self and assisted rescue clinic. (Plan to get wet in COLD water.) One additional club sponsored paddle is required to graduate. Graduation Requirements: Swim 25 yards. Attend all three lectures. Successfully complete both pool and the open water session. Successfully participate in two club sponsored paddles, one of which is a “Wet Paddle”. Complete all requirements by Dec. 31, 2016
TERMINOLOGY Other features: Waterline length Beam Chine Rocker Keel Hard Soft Rocker Keel Skeg Thighbrace Backrest – back band
Hull Rocker
Sea Kayak Rocker
Rocker - Edging
PERSONAL FLOATATION DEVICE (PFD) Type III is most applicable to sea kayaking Fit low and tight – shouldn’t ride up around ears Unrestricted arm movement Will: Help keep you on the surface Allow you to set up for self or assisted rescue Won’t: Keep your face out of the water if you are unconscious Keep your face from periodically going under in rough conditions Type I Type II Type III Type IV Type V
Characteristics of a Sea Kayaking Paddle A Woman’s Guide to Sea Kayaking, Shelley Johnson, © 1998
SAFETY Lifting and Carrying Kayaks and Gear Probably where most kayakers are injured Use teamwork Cold Water – Hypothermia – Muscle Control 50 degrees = <1 hour Weather – Wind & Waves Be informed (forecasts) and be aware (pay attention) Floatation For yourself and your boat!
Experience Paddle Trips Day Date Trip Dist Rating Leader Sat 03-Jun Budd Inlet SK-II Dan Halsey Sun 04-Jun Jim Wilson 10-Jun Boston Hbr to Dana Carolyn Burreson 05-Jul Boston Hbr to Gull Hbr & beyond Jean Fisher 16-Jul Nisqually Delta 22-Jul Eld Inlet - McLane Creek Tim Burke
Navigation 1
Intro to Charts Latitude/Longitude Scale Compass Rose (magnetic variation) Depths – Fathoms below MSL Heights – Feet above MSL Markers Symbols
Compass Rose
Magnetic North Pole
Intro to the Compass Deck Compass Handheld Compass Fixed Best for maintaining a course Watch out for deviation packing metal Handheld Compass Good backup Best for fixing position Taking bearings.
Weather Main concern is wind (and resulting waves) Make sure to check the marine forecast Review planned route relative to forecast wind (fetch, protection, funelling)
Tides & Currents Check against planned routed and timing Tides will affect launches/landings, beaches, shore access Current effects can have a huge impact on a trip – Good or Bad. Current/Wind interactions
Required and Recommended Equipment For Kayakers Kayaking 20 Essentials: Kayak with floatation in both ends† USCG approved PFD† Paddle† Spray Skirt† Bailing Device† Self-rescue paddle float† Whistle or air horn *Chart in waterproof case *Waterproof compass *Sunglasses with strap Waterproof Sunscreen (at least 25 SPF recommended) Drinking water *Extra food *Extra clothing in waterproof bag Signaling device (e.g. flares, mirror, dye) *Waterproof flashlight with extra batteries and bulbs or chemical lightstick *First-aid kit *Knife *Waterproof matches *Candle or fire starter * (Mountaineer 10 Essentials) † (Included in most rentals) Additional Recommended Kayak Equipment (may be required by leader) Paddle tether Sponge Rescue sling Waterproof jacket Repair kit (e.g. duct tape and multi-tool) 50 ft floating tow rope Wet suit or dry suit Hat/sun visor with strap Pogies or gloves Weather radio ($20 from Radio Shack) Toilet paper, trowel and plastic bag Spare paddle Chemical light stick Deck light Waterproof wristwatch
Discover Pass
Pool Preview PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY ENOUGH TO HELP BRING BOATS INTO POOL! Swim test Boat Fitting Getting in and out Wet exits Self rescue Assisted rescue Leaning and Bracing Strokes