Net425:Satellite Communications Networks and Communication Department LAB 6
C-Band Downlink Budget in Rain TABLE 4.4b C-band satellite parameters Prca = Received power at earth station in clear air -119.5 dBW A = Rain attenuation -1.0 dB Prain= Received power at earth station in rain -120.5 dBW Nca = Receiver noise power in clear air -135.5 dBW ΔNcain = Increase in noise temperature due to rain 2.3 dB Nrain= Receiver noise power in rain -133.2 dBW 13-Nov-18 Networks and Communication Department
C-Band GEO Satellite - LinkBudget in Clear Air TABLE 4.4a C-band satellite parameters Transponder saturated output power 20 W Antenna gain, on axis 20 dB Transponder bandwidth 36 MHz Downlink frequency band 3.7-4.2 GHz 13-Nov-18 Networks and Communication Department
Signal FM-TV analog signal FM-TV signal bandwidth 30 MHz Minimum permitted overall C/N in receiver 9.5 dB 13-Nov-18 Networks and Communication Department
Receiving C-band station Downlink frequency 4.00GHz Antenna gain, on axis 49.7 dB Receiver IF bandwidth 27 MHz Receiving system noise temperature 75 K 13-Nov-18 Networks and Communication Department
Downlink power budget Pt = Satellite transponder output power, 20 W 13.0dBW Bo = Transponder output backoff -2.0 dB Gt = Satellite antenna gain, on axis 20.dB Gr = Earth station antenna gain 49.7 dB Lp = Free space path loss at 4 GHz -196.5 dB Lant=Edge of beam loss for satellite antenna -3.0 dB La = clear air atmospheric loss -0.2 dB Lm = Other losses -0.5 dB Pr = Received power at earth station clear air -119.5dBw 13-Nov-18 Networks and Communication Department
Figure 4.4 (p. 104) A satellite link. Satellite Communications, 2/E by Timothy Pratt, Charles Bostian, & Jeremy Allnutt Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons. Inc. All rights reserved.
Ex 1 A GEO satellite at a distance of 36,000 km from a point on the earth’s surfaceFind The received carrier power in dB watts ? The rule : Pr = EIRP + Gr – LP – La – Lta – Lra – A dBW Where EIRP = effective isotropically radiated power Pt * Gt watt La = attenuation in the atmosphere Lta = losses associated with the transmitting antenna Lra= losses associated with the receiving antenna A= Rain attenuation 13-Nov-18 Networks and Communication Department
Given Parameters Using the following parameters : Transponder saturated output power which is Satellite transponder output power, (Pt) = 20 W Convert in decibel : 10 log(20) = 13 dB Antenna gain, on axis for Satellite transmitter which is Gt = Satellite antenna gain, on axis 20 dB EIRP = pt+Gt = 13+20= 33 dB Antenna gain, on axis, for Receiving C-band station Gr = Earth station antenna gain = 49.7 dB 13-Nov-18 Networks and Communication Department
Con. Given Parameters path loss Lp= (4πR/λ) 2 It is not a loss in the sense of power being absorbed; it accounts for the way energy spreads out as an electromagnetic wave travels away from a transmitting source in three-dimensional space. Using this parameter Downlink frequency (F) 4.00GHz λ= c/f =3*108 /4000000000=0.075 m 13-Nov-18 Networks and Communication Department
Con. Given Parameters Using the parameter distance of R = 36,000 km Lp=(4*3.14*36000000/0.075) 2 =36346429440000000000 watt Convert in decibel : 10 log(36346429440000000000) =196.5 dB Constant Lant=Edge of beam loss for satellite antenna -3.0 dB 13-Nov-18 Networks and Communication Department
Sol. 1 La = clear air atmospheric loss -0.2 dB Lm = Other losses -0.5 dB Loss at transmitter Bo = Transponder output backoff -2.0 dB A = rain attenuation = -1 dB The equation will be Prain =13+20+49.7-196.5-3.0-0.2-0.5-2.0-1= -120.5 dBW 13-Nov-18 Networks and Communication Department
A noise power Pn A receiving terminal with a system noise temperature TsK and a noise bandwidth Bn Hz has a noise power Pn referred to the output terminals of the antenna where Pn = kTsBn watts The receiving system noise power is usually written in decibel units as N = k + Ts + Bn dBW 13-Nov-18 Networks and Communication Department
Con. A noise power Pn where k = Boltzmann’s constant = 1.39 × 10^-23 J/K = -228.6 dBW/K/Hz Ts is the system noise temperature in dBK Bn = noise bandwidth in which the noise power is measured (the receiver ), in dBHz 13-Nov-18 Networks and Communication Department
Con. A noise power Pn Note that because we are working in units of power, all decibel conversions are made as 10 log 10(Ts) or 10 log 10 (Bn). The rule : Pn = 10 log(kTsBn )=10 log(k)+10 log (T)+10 log (Bn) Ex2: find the noise power Pn ? 13-Nov-18 Networks and Communication Department
Downlink noise power budget in clear air K = Boltzmann’s constant -228.6dBW/K/Hz Ts = System noise temperature, 75 K 18.8 dBK Bn = Noise bandwidth, 27 MHz 74.3dBHz N = Receiver noise power - 135.5 dBW 13-Nov-18 Networks and Communication Department
Sol.2 Using the following parameters : k = Boltzmann’s constant = 1.39 × 10-23 J/K 10 log (1.39 × 10^-23) = -228.6 dBW/K/Hz ΔNrain = Increase in noise temperature due to rain = 2.3 dB Ts = System noise temperature, 75 K 10 log (75)=18.8 dBK Bn = Noise bandwidth, 27 MHz 10log (27*10^6) =74.3dBHz Nrain=-228.6+18.8+2.3+74.3=-133.2dBW 13-Nov-18 Networks and Communication Department
C/N ratio in receiver in rain Find carrier-to-noise ratio ? C/N = Prain - Nrain = - 120.5 dBW – (-133.2 dBW) = 12.7 dB Alternative equation C/N = (C/N) clear air – A – ΔN = 16-1-2.3 13-Nov-18 Networks and Communication Department