Power of the Church All for the Glory of God
Hierarchy of the Church Members of the Clergy Pope Cardinals Bishops Archbishop Priest Territories of responsibility Vatican Archdioceses / provinces diocese Parish
The Wealthy Church Save your soul! Donate to your local parish church or cathedral or monastery! Vast amounts of land acquired through wills of deceased cardinals, bishops, archbishops; who were often nobles. By 1050, the church was the largest landholder in western Europe! Wealth increases political power Pope Innocent III Supreme over all rulers The Pope is between man and God, lower than God but higher than men, who judges all and is judged by no one.”
An Age of Faith Because people understood so little about the world, the church and religion filled in many of the gaps. The common person tried to live a life that was in accordance to church principles so that they could achieve salvation. People had to accept the beliefs of the church, live a moral life, perform good works, and pay tithes. Calendar days for saints Blessings for events
Life revolved around Church Bells : signaled time for work, meals, rest, mass, and worship service. Church was the center of the community’s activities. Gathering place for town meetings, markets, and refuge Church holidays were a pleasant break from the monotony of daily working life. Attending morning mass, followed by visits, feasts, and dancing. Church and the shared faith gave people a sense of community You did not want to be excommunicated!
Church and learning Charlemagne ordered the clergy to be literate the church established centers of learning in monasteries and cathedrals. Growth of Towns –traders – peoples - flood of knowledge from the Muslim world people wanted to become more learned too. Universities: guilds of teachers and students. students gathered to study philosophy, theology, law, and medicine. By the 1200s, universities replaced monasteries and cathedrals as the place of learning. Clergy members made up the largest percentage of literate members of society. This meant they were used as clerks to nobles and kings, thus could advise these lords in all sorts of matters.
Religious Orders A monastic life was often very secluded. Studying and copying texts Many followers wanted to be devout, but be amongst the people. Growing food Providing care Teaching Religious communities, or orders, which did not shut themselves out from the world began. They lived in towns and brought religion directly to the people.
Expressions of Religious devotion Painting and sculpture: Images of Christ, his ministry, his life and death. Bible stories and saints. Greatest achievement and statement The Cathedral
Making of the Chartres Cathedral You Tube video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16zh6zPlX98