Secondary Perkins Data


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Presentation transcript:

Secondary Perkins Data Kari-Ann Ediger| Program Improvement/Results Measurement September 21, 2017

Agenda We will review: Timelines Data sources Performance Indicator definitions Summary reports that are produced and available to you Target setting State performance 11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |


Timelines State/Local Negotiation Process for FY2018 Target Target Time Frame Accountability Webinars September 2017 All P-file data submitted to MDE Mid-September 2017 Performance Indicator data available December 2017 Distribute proposed targets to consortium Consortium Response due January 2018 Initial State Response Local Negotiations completed January/February 2018 Evaluation of 2018 Performance January 2019 (Trend & Status reports) Consortium Leaders prepare CP grants January-March Plan Review Cycle April-May 11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |

Data Sources

Everything Begins With… Table C: Program, Course Codes, Teacher Licensure information And, the Program Approval Database which lists all the 6-digit Program Codes and 2-digit Course Codes for all your districts’ Approved Programs 11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |

Carl D. Perkins Record Layout 2017 11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |

P-file Data submitted to MDE Data Sources Data Submission: 343 secondary districts, who implement approved programs taught by licensed CTE instructors, annually submit their P-file (Perkins) data to Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) via a secure web-based system. P-file Data submitted to MDE MARSS Migrant Flag SLEDS MCA/ MTAS Data are Aggregated and Verified: Final P-File data are aggregated into the Carl Perkins Database and are verified using the Minnesota Automated Reporting Student System (MARSS) (e.g., using MARSS-ID#, Name, Birthdate, Gender). Perkins data are linked with additional sources: MARSS: student demographics and completion MCA/MTAS: 1S1 & 1S2 Achievement outcomes SLEDS: 5S1 placement/postsecondary enrollment outcomes Migrant Flag 11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |

Performance Indicator Definitions

Carl D. Perkins Definitions Participant Any student who successfully completes 100 hours or more in approved CTE courses, within one career field Concentrator Any student who successfully completes 240 hours or more in approved CTE courses, within one career field NOTE: It is the “successful completion” piece that makes it so critical to closely examine the “Count Proficient” within the Carl Perkins Submission Status Report. 11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |

CTE Career Wheel 11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |

1S1: Academic Attainment in Reading/Language Arts Number of 12th grade Participants and Concentrators who have met or exceeded the proficiency level on the high school Reading Assessment (MCA/MTAS) Number of 12th grade Participants and Concentrators who took the MCA/MTAS and whose high school Reading assessment scores were included in the State’s computation of AYP. Numerator Denominator 11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |

1S2 Academic Attainment in Mathematics Number of 12th grade Participants and Concentrators who have met or exceeded the proficiency level on the high school Mathematics Assessment (MCA/MTAS) Number of 12th grade Participants and Concentrators who took the MCA/MTAS and whose high school Mathematics assessment scores were included in the State’s computation of AYP. Numerator Denominator 11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |

2S1 Technical Skills Attainment Number of Secondary CTE Concentrators within Programs of Study selected by the state for which state-approved technical skill assessment instruments have been identified who pass any of those identified technical skill assessment instruments pertinent to the Program of Study in which concentrator status is obtained. Number of Secondary CTE Concentrators within Programs of Study selected by the state for which state-approved technical skill assessment instruments have been identified who attempt any of those identified technical skill assessment instruments pertinent to the Program of Study in which Concentrator status is obtained. Numerator Denominator 11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |

3S1 School Completion Number of CTE Concentrators who earned a regular secondary school diploma during the reporting year. Number of CTE Concentrators who left secondary education during the reporting year. Numerator Denominator 11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |

4S1 Student Graduation Rates, 4yr cohort (from 9th Grade) Number of CTE Concentrators who, in the reporting year, were included as graduated in the State’s computation of its graduation rate as described in Section 1111(b)(2)(C)(vi) of the ESEA.   Number of CTE Concentrators who, in the reporting year, were included in the State’s computation of its graduation rate as defined in the State’s Consolidated Accountability Plan pursuant to Section 1111(b)(2)(C)(vi) of the ESEA. Includes: 1) graduates, 2) dropouts, 3) continuing, and 4) unknown Numerator Denominator 11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |

5S1 Placement (prior year data) Number of Secondary CTE Completers who register as participating in higher education in a data match with the Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLEDS) Number of Secondary CTE Completers. *Note second quarter enrollment following graduation (October-December). So for the December 2017 CAR report we will be reporting on students who graduated at the end of the SY2015-16 Numerator Denominator 11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |

6S1 Non-Traditional Participation Number of CTE students from underrepresented gender groups who enrolled in a nontraditional CTE course during the current reporting year. Number of CTE students who enrolled in a nontraditional CTE course during the current reporting year. Numerator Denominator 11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |

6S2 Non-Traditional Completion Number of CTE concentrators from underrepresented gender groups who completed a program that leads to employment in nontraditional fields during the reporting year.   Number of CTE concentrators who completed a program that leads to employment in nontraditional fields during the reporting year. NOTE: NonTrad codes were revised/updated and took effect for the FY15 reporting cycle. Numerator Denominator 11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |

Summary reports that are produced and available to you!

Secondary Performance Indicator Reports 1S1 Academic Attainment in Reading/Language Arts 1S2 Academic Attainment in Mathematics 2S1 Technical Skill Attainment (TSA) 3S1 School Completion 4S1 Student Graduation Rates (4-year cohort Graduation Rate) 5S1 Placement (SLEDS Match) 6S1 Nontraditional Participation 6S2 Nontraditional Completion 11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |

Secondary Reports Summary Reports Reports available by: state, consortium, district, school Career Cluster Report by the 16 career clusters CTE Concentrators only Program Report Report includes the 6 digit program codes CTE Enrollees (duplicate students across programs) Course Report 6 + 2 digit course codes CTE Enrollees (duplicate students across courses) Duplicated and Unduplicated counts are specified in each report 11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |

Access: MDE Secure Reports All Authorized Users (people who submit the P-file to MDE) have access to the P-file Submission Status. It’s automatic. All Consortium Leaders can request/receive access to the Performance Indicator & Summary Reports. It’s So COOL! There is even an “all” button where you can download Performance Indicators for all your districts -at once. …working on a way to give access to H.S. Principals & Perkins Coordinators.  11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |

Summary reports that are produced and available to you Target Setting

Negotiating Your Targets Review the proposed targets Examine your Consortia & District level data Look at trends/preliminary data if available Discuss the targets with your partners/constituents Have there been any changes in policy or practice that may have affected performance outcomes in the coming year? Understand the context and rational for the state proposed targets Expectation of continuous improvement at the state and local level Need for the state to be able to meet state targets negotiated with OCTAE 11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |

Negotiating Your Targets If submitting a counter proposal, the proposal must include: The state proposal and your alternative proposed target Trends in past performance Rational supporting the counter proposal, including any additional relevant data The rational must document the context of what is driving observed trends and factors that may impact future performance. New or closed programs TSA’s added, removed, or changed Shifts in enrollment and the impact on programs Changes in policies or practices that may impact program performance or enrollment Keep in mind that in reviewing counter proposals the state must consider the ability of the state to meet their negotiated target (i.e. the ability of the other consortia to make up the difference). 11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |

Evaluation of Annual Local Performance No action At or above target Negotiated Level Report Required Between 90% and 99% 90% of Negotiated Level Improvement Plan Below 90% of target 11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |

Improvement Plans and Reports (Local Plan) A consortium whose actual performance does not meet the negotiated target (90-99%) for any indicator is required to write an Improvement Report. If a consortium’s actual performance falls below 90 percent of the negotiated target, the consortium must write both an Improvement Report and an Improvement Plan. 90 to 99% of Negotiated Target Below 90% of Negotiated Target Write Improvement Report Improvement Report Components: The number and name of the indicator that was not met The actual performance percentage General strategies planned to improve performance Comments or context for actual performance Write Improvement Report and Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Components: Identification of any special populations where gaps in performance exist Contextual factors contributing to existing performance gaps Resources needed Timeline Person(s) responsible Description of how progress will be documented 11/13/2018 Leading for educational excellence and equity, every day for every one. |

Summary reports that are produced and available to you State Performance

Career and Technical Education in Minnesota A collaboration of Minnesota State and Minnesota Department of Education Celebrating Student Success 246,772 Last year we served….. Combined Minnesota high school and college students enrolled in career and technical education (CTE) courses in 2016.

Career and Technical Education in Minnesota A collaboration of Minnesota State and Minnesota Department of Education Celebrating Student Success SECONDARY POSTSECONDARY 92% 4-year graduation rate for all CTE concentrators (Students who complete 240 CTE course hours within one career field). 80% College student CTE concentrators who graduated or continued their education. 67% CTE concentrators who graduate and go on to enroll in college. 85% College students placed or retained in employment by the end of the 2nd quarter following the year they completed a CTE program.


Thank you! Kari-Ann Ediger 651-582-8269 11/13/2018