Today Is S.T.E.M. Day
S.T.E.M. Motivational Video What Is S.T.E.M. in our Library? STEM class focuses on applying knowledge to find solutions for real world problems. S.T.E.M. in the world video
What are we learning today? Content Objective What are we learning today? This library class, I CAN use online tools and organize information in a visual way that is appropriate for a project Language Objectives Students will use key vocabulary to communicate your responses using complete sentences.
What is Computer Science? Video
Computer Programing & Coding
Today's Important Vocabulary TTYN: Think of an algorithm you use everyday.
Computer Programing Computer Programing uses algorithms that have been coded into something that can be run by a machine.
Computer Science Coding is giving one or more commands or algorithm(s) designed to be carried out by a computer.
Why Code? Ideas will become reality. If you can dream it, you can build it with a computer!
Why Code? Instead of being consumers of technology, we can become the inventors!!! Video
Why Code? Learn a skill for life
This year we will learn to be a computer engineer and learn how to code with... "Dash" "Bit"
Today, let us focus on and Hour of Code Hour of Code Video
Let's Start By Just Trying an HOUR of CODE
H - Hands At Your Side A - All Eyes Forward L - Lips Zipped Speed L - Low Walking S - Straight, Single-File Line with a Smile