What is CSTM? “The Committee for Scientific Training and Mentoring exists to bring career training and development opportunities to the scientific staff within the Danforth Center, foster a sense of community through scientific discussions and social functions, and facilitate communication throughout all levels of the center.”
Who are CSTM? We are a self-organized group of non-PI level scientists interested in strengthening our career development and mentoring relationships. 2017 CSTM Co-chairs Patricia Baldrich (pbaldrich@danforthcenter.org) Raj Deepika Chauhan (rchauhan@danforthcenter.org) Tariqul Islam (tislam@danforthcenter.org) Dan Lin (dlin@danforthcenter.org) Anne Phillips (aphillips@danforthcenter.org)
Inclusive Defined by what we do Train and mentor All scientific staff Activities Workshops Biobash Cheers to Careers External speakers and seminars Happy hours Other career development events
https://www. danforthcenter https://www.danforthcenter.org/education-outreach/career-development-(cstm)
LaunchCode: CoderGirl
LaunchCode: CoderGirl
LaunchCode: CoderGirl First 6 Months: Learning Cycle Use curated portions of online classes to learn: Statistics Python Interfacing with databases Data visualization tools Second 6 Months: Project Cycle Develop your own coding project Work with experienced mentors to produce a product Time Commitment: 2 Hours/ week in-class ~8 Hours/ week assignments and homework