Vilnius Sustainable Mobility Plan 2030 Facts & Figures 3.2% increase in the number of registered means of transportation in Vilnius during 2013-2016 9.7% increase in the number of individually owned passenger cars per 1,000 residents during 2013-2016 9.2% average increase in traffic flow in the city over the past 3 years The average length of a PT ride taken by one resident per 24 hours is 100 times less compared to other means of transportation
Rides on public transportation in Vilnius decreased by 20 million since 2015
Vilnius 620 000 residents Area 401 km² , 552 mln. Eur Tallinn Turnover (2017) 59,6 mln. Cost 57,2 mln. Income ticket sales 29,2 mln. Compensation/Loss 31,9mln. Buses/Trolleybuses 602 units Passengers 188 mln. Mileage/km 39 mln. 1 km. average cost 1.49 Average age of PT 14 yrs. 66,0 mln. Budget (2017) 66,0 mln. 5,0 mln.non -residents (2012 17,0 ml) 477 units (including Tram) 140 mln. 32,1 mln. 2,0 (All transport, higher salaries) 8,4 yrs. (EU average)
Free Public Transportation Vilnius (Draft) 2018 mln. (Plan mln. eur) 2019 (Plan mln. eur) Turnaround 56,4 Expenses 49,7 Subsidies 40,7 * 65,0 65,0 ** 40,0 * Incl. cover for losses ** More assets allocated for renewal of PT and improved quality
VILNIUS Over 620 000 residents Current number of Vilnius residents using Min. of Finance methods for calculating the budget -575 038 Registered with Vilnius Health hospitals, clinics, etc. - 622 543 More than 48 000 people have declared their place of residence elsewhere, however, they actually live in Vilnius. If all of these people would declare their place of residence as Vilnius, then according to the Min. of Finance’s calculation methods, the city’s budget would increase by approx. 21 mln. eur. This additional income would fully compensate the loss of ticket sales. Additional funds would be allocated to other needs of the city and its residents. /
FPT Goals and Benefits Fewer traffic jams and less pollution in the city center Mobility for the work force – the chance to choose a job further away from home A strong Park +Ride system would be introduced Greater mobility for residents and simpler use of PT Friendlier city for students and seniors Chance for a livelier cultural and economic life in the city center Motivation to register as a resident of Vilnius Vilnius Card & apps - various services for city residents An average adult rider would save approximately 300 euros/year
GOAL: Less Traffic in the City Center Benefit: Less traffic and fewer jams in the city center Prime example: There is 6% less private transport in Tallinn. There is also less pollution and noise. Comparison: The construction and reconstruction of various bypasses and intersections in Vilnius during 2004-2017 and valued at 300 million euros succeeded in lowering the transportation load by only 2%.
GOAL: Increased use of public transportation on weekends and evenings FPT in Vilnius would increase passenger flows in the Old Town and City Center. Business in the City Center would benefit.
GOAL: Less Air Pollution The highest level of pollution is in the Vilnius City Center
Vilnius Sustainable Mobility Draft Plan 30% of Vilnius residents to use public transportation by 2030 47% of Tallinn residents currently use PT as their primary means of transportation. 74% of all of Tallinn’s residents use public transporation in 2016