Hebrews 8-10.


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Presentation transcript:

Hebrews 8-10

Paul assumes that we know about animal sacrifice, the three different feasts, and the tabernacle! Hebrews 8:3 “The Ordinance of Sacrifice as Practiced by the Ancient High Priest” Many have supposed that the ordinance of sacrificing animals was first introduced by Moses. Such is not the case. The principle of sacrifice was initially taught by Adam following his expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Adam was clearly instructed that in the offering the “first-lings” of his flocks, he was prefiguring the atoning sacrifice of Christ. “This thing is a similitude of the sacrifice of the Only Begotten of the Father,” he was told (Moses 5:7).

Elder McConkie writes as follows concerning the ordinance of sacrifice: “The form of the ordinance was always so arranged as to point attention to our Lord’s sacrifice. The sacrificial offering made in connection with the Passover, the killing of the Paschal Lamb, for instance, was so arranged that a male lamb of the first year, one without spot or blemish, was chosen; in the offering the blood was spilled and care was taken to break no bones, all symbolic of the manner of Christ’s death (Exodus 12)….

“…Many sacrificial details were added to the law as it operated in the Mosaic dispensation, but the basic principles governing sacrifices are part of the gospel itself and preceded Moses and the lesser order which came through him” (Elder Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, 665).

Animal Sacrifices (two reasons) A similitude of the Sacrifice of the Begotten of the Father. Obedience unto the commandments The law commanded that three times a year the men come to the temple and appear before the Lord (Exodus 23:14-19).

Agricultural Religious Setting Unleavened Spring (first month) Passover First fruit Summer (third month) Pentecost/Weeks Held 50 days after the Feast of the Passover. During those 50 days the harvest of corn is being gathered with the first fruits of their labors. 3. Ingathering Fall (seven months) Tabernacle Usually lasted 7 days and 1 additional day. The beginning and ending of every feast was a Sabbath (The feast of Pentecost lasted only one day).

Romans 9:1-10 “The Ancient Tabernacle” During Israel’s wanderings and prior to the building of a temple in Solomon’s day (about 970 B.C.), the priest of Israel performed the sacred ordinances in behalf of their people in a portable tent known as the tabernacle. This edifice, constructed in such a way that it could be quickly moved from place to place, was the first item set up in any new place of encampment. “Tabernacle” literally means “place of dwelling.

The Outer Courtyard Telestial Overcome obstacles of mortality! The altar of sacrifice: (bronze) Faith in Christ, the ultimate sacrifice! The Laver or basin of water: (bronze) Washing and cleansing, baptism and the Holy Ghost.

Contents of the Holy Place Terrestrial Hebrews 9:2 The Candlestick: Perfect light of Christ, 7 lamps, 7 creation periods. The Menorah or lamp-stand is adapted to it! The priest kept the light burning continually!

2. Table of Shewbread: Priest partook of bread and wine. 12 unleavened cakes placed in two piles. The shewbread was changed every Sabbath, the old loaves were eaten by the priest. In the shewbread the 12 tribes were perpetually presented before God.

The approach to God through prayer! Map #3, “The Exodus” 3. Altar of incense: The approach to God through prayer! Map #3, “The Exodus” “A Type of the Plan of Salvation”

The Holy of Holies Celestial “Presence of God” Hebrews 9:3-4 Ark of the Covenant Mercy seat = Atonement Golden Censer, pot of manna, and Aaron’s rod that budded, and tables of the covenant.

Hebrews 9:11-15, 23-28 The Role of Jesus Christ as High Priest. As the ancient high priest entered into the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement, the holiest day for the Jews. He would sprinkle the blood upon the mercy seat, so Jesus Christ entered the sacred sanctuary of heaven itself, there to intercede before the Father in behalf of those whose penitence makes them eligible for his act of mercy.

Jesus performed essentially the same function for us when ancient priests did for Israel: He atoned for our sins. There is a difference, however, between the two offerings: ancient priests offered up goats or lambs from Israel’s flocks: Christ, the purest “Lamb of God” offered up himself. From being alienated from God to one of full communion!

Hebrews 10:1-9 The Law of Moses can never make the comers thereunto perfect! Hebrews 10:19-20 How do we enter into the Holiest by the blood of Jesus?

The ancient tabernacle and the temples patterned thereafter had veils which separated one portion of the structure from another. To pass the first veil was to move from the outer court into an inner sanctuary known as the Holy Place. To pass the second veil was to enter the Holy of Holies, or the Most Holy Place. “Atonement for sin is no longer made by the high priest in Israel when he passes through the veil of the temple into the holy of holies. Now there is a new way, a living way, for the veil of the old temple was rent with the crucifixion. Now Jesus has passed through the veil into heaven itself.