1 3 2
Write down one thing you need Blue Card 1 Write down one thing you need
Write down one thing you want 2 Write down one thing you want
What would you do/buy if you won 1 Million Dollars? Let’s Think Write: What would you do/buy if you won 1 Million Dollars? What would you do if you found out you only had 6 months to live?
What is my Career/Education goal? 3 What is my Career/Education goal?
Specific – Don’t be general. What is the desired result?
M Measurable – How will I measure progress?
A Attainable – Can this really happen? What skills are needed? Is the goal within your reach?
R Realistic – Is this goal practical and possible?
T Timely – What is the deadline?
What keeps me from reaching my goals?
Practice: I want to….. SMART GOAL: I will……
Follow UP I have the class create a goal that they can achieve by the next time I come back (usually one to two weeks). Examples of goals they have made: we will learn a certain skill, we will participate in discussion, we will be on time, we will attend class _ number of days. Handout: SMART GOAL Worksheet I hand out SMARTIES to remind them to make SMART Goals.