The Political Economy of Policy Reform: A Framework about Process
The Political Economy of Policy Reform: A Framework about Process Understanding policy change Explaining the role of policy makers and managers Finding room for maneuver
CONTEXT The context of policy choice Individual characteristics of policy elites
CONTEXT: The Context of Policy Choice Societal pressure Historical context Economic conditions International context Administrative capacity Other policies
CONTEXT: Individual Characteristics of Policy Elites Ideological predisposition Professional expertise and training Memories of similar policy situations Position and power resources Political and institutional commitments/loyalties Personal attributes and goals
AGENDA-SETTING CIRCUMSTANCES: Perception Crisis situation Politics-as-usual
AGENDA-SETTING CIRCUMSTANCES: Perception CRISIS SITUATION Strong pressure for reform High stakes High-level decision makers “Innovative” change Pressure to take action immediately POLITICS-AS-USUAL Chosen problem Low stakes Middle-level decision makers “Incremental” change Flexibility in timing
AGENDA-SETTING CIRCUMSTANCES: Decision-Making Concerns CRISIS SITUATION Policy decision making dominated by macropolitical concerns POLITICS-AS-USUAL Policy decision making dominated by micropolitical and bureaucratic concerns Organizational reform decision making dominated by bureaucratic concerns
POLICY CHARACTERISTICS: Arenas of Conflict PUBLIC ARENA Direct impact on large sectors Highly and immediately visible to public BUREAUCRATIC ARENA No direct impact on large sectors Not readily visible to public
POLICY CHARACTERISTICS: Resources for Implementation and Sustainability PUBLIC ARENA Legitimacy of regime? Tradition of political stability? Individual reform or set of reforms? Autonomy of government? Degree of elite consensus? BUREAUCRATIC ARENA High level of political support? Organizational/ hierarchical authority? Consensus building possible? Existence of behavioral incentives? Administrative capacity?