HEI-ICI and development policy Pekka Seppälä MFA
The aim of development policy is to support developing countries’ efforts to eradicate poverty and inequality and promote sustainable development How do we work towards this goal? How do the four policy goals support this key goal?
Trends in African universities More universities, some with very limited resources, Private universities beside public universities, Foreign universities in foreign countries or locally affiliated (double degrees), More students, but even more demand, Quality?
Sub-Saharan Africa: What do the universities do? Only a tiny part of age grade takes part in higher education, Equity? Projections: work force will double by 2040. SSA publications share in global statistics: 1,4 %, half of them from South Africa. University trained people are key element for functioning administrative, political and economic elite
Challenges for universities in SSA countries Lack of everything: Adequate staff, Staff with adequate qualifications, Resources for research, Adequate salary, Lack of teaching materials, Bad infrastructure. Bureaucratic culture, corruption, hierarchies…
Zeleza, P.T & Oluskoshi, A. (eds) African Universities in the Twenty-first Century, 2004) How to balance autonomy and viability, expansion and excellence, equity and efficiency, access and quality, authority and accountability, representation and responsibility, diversification and differentiation, internationalization and indigenization, global presence/visibility and local anchorage, academic freedom and professional ethics, privatisation and public purpose, teaching and research, community service/social responsibility and consultancy, diversity and uniformity, the preservation of local knowledge systems and the adoption of global knowledge systems, knowledge production and knowledge dissemination, the knowledge economy and the knowledge society.
What can we offer? First class expertise in highly specialised field? Latest discourse and research results? Supporting new, less resourced universities? Supporting universities to do the basic thing? Responsibility to teach employable issues? What are we good at? How does our support work towards poverty reduction?
What kind of changes do we achieve What kind of changes do we achieve? Situation analysis at this stage: Are our goals in each project realistic? Are our results in each project going to be sustainable?
Development policy: results report and contemporary discourse Focus on results, More focused themes, more impact, Learning crisis: its impact on tertiary level education, Modern technology, new partnerships, new ways of doing cooperation, Finnish interest: private sector, education export, Poverty reduction, country selection.