Reader Development PLVN Special Interest Group I’m going to talk today about the new Reader Development Special Interest Group. Jennifer Khan and I put together a proposal for the formation of this group. This proposal was endorsed by the PLVN exec in May. The Reader Development SIG will sit in the PLVN Community Access Subcommittee, along with the Resource Sharing and Collections SIGs. This subcommittee is chaired by Michael Bryne. The timing of this group is perfect. It will build on the fabulous work done so far by the statewide ‘Read’ group. It also takes up from where Frontline Victoria left off.
Victorian Public Libraries 2030 Strategic Framework One of the main purposes of the RD SIG will be to: Provide strategic direction in Reader Development for public libraries in Victoria In the Victorian Public Libraries 2030 Strategic framework, it states that: Victorian public libraries can prosper from the future emergence of five prominent social trends identified by the Victorian Public Libraries 2030 process: creativity, collaboration, brain health, dynamic learning and community connection. These trends present exciting opportunities for public libraries to play more prominent roles within their communities in the future. Reader-development, and the provision of reader-centred services, sit very strongly in these areas.
As stated in the ‘Reading and literacy for all’ strategic framework, public libraries have traditionally attracted, and continue to appeal to, confident readers. The focus of the RD SIG will be these confident adult readers, i.e. those who are already literate. They have the mechanics of reading but they are looking for: Opportunities to share the reading experience, Ways to open up their reading choices, broaden their reading horizons, Reading ideas. What to read next. Engaging books that will keep them reading. I see the RD SIG using these guiding principles of the five key goals in the ‘Reading and literacy for all’ strategic framework to develop a strategy for reader-centred practice in Victorian public libraries. This will probably be one of the first main jobs of the group.
Discussion and Promotion Two other important purposes of the RD SIG are in discussion and promotion. 2. The RD SIG will provide a forum for discussion about Reader Development in Victorian public libraries It can provide a platform for sharing practical ideas that have worked well to engage readers. 3. The RD SIG will advocate for the promotion of the library as a place for reader engagement and a creatively enhanced reader experience It will help promote the fact that libraries are the perfect place to get great reading ideas and to connect with other readers.
Collaboration 4. Collaboration. Another very important purpose of the RD SIG is that of collaboration, on several levels. We will actively seek to collaborate with: The State Library and public libraries across Victoria. In particular, the group will collaborate with the Community Access and Community Services Subcommittees on the provision of Special Interest Group initiatives. We will also collaborate with affiliated agencies. One of the main organisations we hope to work with is the Melbourne City of Literature office. Last year, I was lucky enough to receive a Melbourne City of Literature Office travel fund. I visited Edinburgh, Dublin and Norwich to investigate ways in which their city of literature offices work with public libraries. There was a great willingness from the people I spoke to liaise with libraries in Melbourne and Victoria. The RD SIG can look at ways we can work internationally with libraries in other UNESCO cities of literature.
Training The RD SIG will also… 6. Maximise professional training opportunities in Reader Development for PLVN members Frontline Victoria was a huge success. In the three year rollout, from 2010 to 2013, more than 1000 public library staff across the state participated in the training. Many positive improvements were made in the way we engage with our readers and in our physical library spaces. So many library staff said it was the best training they had ever done. But training is ongoing and we employ new staff all the time. At MLS we have been using the re: packaged Frontline course: Frontline Standard. It is delivered in five separate modules. It’s been great for those who didn’t get the chance to do Frontline and, for my first Frontline trainees (who did Frontline at MLS in 2008) it’s been fantastic revision. We also use Frontline Professional at MLS, aimed at middle managers. Those who can employ RD at a more strategic level to change everyday practice. Again, it is a separate module course. I see the RD SIG’s role as liaising with the Opening the Book in the UK to discuss how we can offer these courses across Victoria.
Where? Who? When? To conclude, if you’d like more information, we have an RD SIG Terms of Reference document that can be circulated to this group. Before I open up for questions, I’d like to answer a few you might have. Where will we meet? MaV building Who will be part of the group? Like other PLVN SIGs, the RD SIG will be comprised of relevant staff nominated by public library managers. And when? Meetings will be held every two months. I’d be interested to find out when you think we should get started. Or if you have any other questions.