Parents open evening 12.09.18
Staff in year 3 Miss Roberts – Class teacher Miss Vale – Teaching assistant Mrs Thompson – Class teacher Mrs Barnett – Teaching assistant
Days to remember Indoor PE on Tuesday morning Outdoor PE on Wednesday afternoon. Kit for PE – white t-shirt and shorts/ jogging bottoms and trainers/ jumper.
Homework Given on a Friday Expected back on a Thursday 1 piece of literacy or 1 piece of maths work per week Project – every half term based on topic work
Reading Expected back on a Friday. Read at least 3 times at home per week - at least 1 comment in diary. Reading diaries- supportive questions to help you support your child at home. WAGOLL Sam’s cat went away 10.09.18 Kerry thought that Sam’s cat went away because he was angry and upset with Sam.
Spellings Follow RWI programme which progresses on from KS1 phonics. Hand out HFW list and Year 3 and 4 words to practise at home. Show examples of RWI spelling book.
Handwriting Changed handwriting scheme which means every letter now joins. Previously taught that P, Q, Y, G, B and J do not join, but in the scheme they do! Please support them at home/during their homework.
Curriculum this term Stories with familiar settings / information texts/ playscripts / instructional texts Place value/ addition and subtractions using formal written methods/ number bonds and times tables. PE- Netball/gymnastics Creative curriculum – Eurovision Science – animals and sounds and lights Guided reading – Book blog – open book blog and demonstrate LR Purple mash – computing – open and demonstrate LT
Rewards and Sanctions Dojo points – discuss and give out parent letter. Model class story where they can read notices and send messages. Teacher’s will answer between 7:30am – 5:30pm Monday to Friday only. Star of the week in class SOS squad winner in assembly (show SoS display) Golden time weekly – 30 minutes Green team- squash and biscuit Reading raffle – half termly Report- Green, yellow, red Internal/ external exclusion for example repeated physical aggression and leaving the classroom.
Any questions? Thank you for your continued support