Organelles are “Little Organs” CELL STRUCTURES Organelles are “Little Organs”
cytoplasm A jelly-like liquid that fills up the inside of a cell Allows materials to be transported within the cell Dissolves substances and allows chemical reactions to take place
NUCLEUS Large, dense body within the cell Regulates the cell’s activities such as reproduction Contains hereditary units called chromosomes
vacuole Storage sacs within a cell Used for storing materials such as water, food, and waste Plant cells have LARGE vacuoles while animal cells have small vacuoles.
Cell membrane Barrier that surrounds the outside of an animal cell The cell membrane in plant cells is surrounded by a cell wall Protects and supports the cell Allows materials to enter and leave the cell
nucleolus Small, dense region within the nucleus Aids in the production of proteins by making ribosomes
Cell wall Sturdy, wall-like barrier found in PLANT CELLS, and PROKARYOTES, but not in animal cells. Protects and supports plant cells
Endoplasmic reticulum Series of channels and passageways within the cell May be ROUGH (with ribosomes) or SMOOTH (without ribosomes) Helps in the synthesis of proteins Allows materials to be transported throughout the cell
ribosome Tiny structures found within the cytoplasm and along the rough endoplasmic reticulum Sites of protein synthesis within the cells
mitochondria Pod-shaped structure found within the cytoplasm of the cell Site of cellular respiration Often called the “powerhouse” of the cell because they release energy
chloroplasts Oval-shaped, green organelles found in plant cells, but not in animal cells. The site of photosynthesis in autotrophic cells.
Typical animal cell
Typical plant cell