Run Lola run (second run) By: Larsen & Andrew
Overview of The second run occurs after the red room scene when Manni and Lola are talking about their love for each other. There is a slight delay compared to the first run as she is frightened of a dog and falls down the stairs. From the fall time is now not on her side and has taken a different path.A tracking shot is used a numerous of times in the film and it is a distinctively visual element that can be talked about.
Genre Crime plays a big part in the sceneCrime plays a big part in the second run, just as in the first. In the scene Lola holds her father at gunpoint to steal money to get herself and Manni out of trouble. In this run she knows about the safety on the gun and flicks it unlike in the first run as she is unaware of the safety trigger, until manni informs her of it.
Concepts Time is an important theme in the film as it is portrayed through several pictures of clocks. The clock represents how tight time is for Lola and must reach Manni in time to stop him robbing the store at 12. The quick frantic and the driving techno beat of the music contribute to the non stop space; evoking the adrenaline urgency as in a video game. The film is similar to a video game as this is Lola's second chance at the game as in video games you get a second chance if you fail. This run goes better than the first run as she manages to get the money to Manni , however it ends badly as Manni is hit by the ambulance. This is an example of hyper readily as it wouldn't happen in real life.
Codes: Red is very significant throughout the film. Lola's hair is bright red, likening to her anime- a style of drawing to make her seem unrealistic. This enforces baudrillard's theory that we live in a 'hyper reality' Also at the end of this run the screen fades into a red background and fades back into a close up of Lola and Manni lying together, still on a red filter. Red connotes death and danger and before the screen fades red, either Manni or Lola die.
Techniques: The recurring theme of time is reflected with things such as the clocks and the use of sound effects. Flashbacks are used in the film when lola bumps into each character, when this occurs a series of images will be put together revealing the characters past and future. Extreme close up of the gun had been used for the effect that fate has altered her. The end of each run is in slow-motion. this is the key distinct visual elements finishing the sequence of with Manni’s concern of each others love.