New Style MFR Patient Care Report A quick guide to show the changes on the new style PCR
MIN Master Incident Number eg 012215-00123 (Date then incident number) All calls that EHS attend have a specific MIN number, this is on the computer / tablet in the ambulance. MFRs may need to call EHS on the TMR radio to obtain this number.
Medic Number All EHS crews are allocated a specific Medic Number eg Milford 6-6 shift is M-120, Truro 7-7 shift is M-108. All kit bags have this number on them. Look for a blue plastic tag on each bag. The number shown on the Ambulance is no longer relevant to the PCR.
Cardiac Arrest Section CPR Prior to MFR Arrival Old PCR was confusing, audits need to know if CPR was being done before First Responders attended. Also type of CPR, chest compressions only or standard CPR 30 – 2 (Again, for audit purposes)
Copies of PCRs No longer do we hand the White Copy to the Paramedics. Give a good verbal report to the attending medics. They can note down any relevant information they need. Both copies MUST be identical for legal reasons. You can complete them both back at the Hall if need be, then staple them together. Keep them in a secure place until ready to send to MFR Services (monthly).
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