Building an Inclusive and Welcoming Space for LGBTQ+ Members and Friends
What we will & will not cover today What we want to present and discuss: Guidance on how we can better value and include our LGBTQ+ members Ideas on how we can build a more welcoming space in our ward What this lesson is not: A discussion of church policies or doctrine A final conversation! There is only so much we can cover here today, we need to continue this conversation in lessons in our church meetings and in our homes.
Terms: LGBTQ+ L: Lesbian, a woman attracted to women G: Gay, a man attracted to men, also a term used to label all individuals of same-sex attraction (SSA) B: Bi-sexual, a man or woman attracted to both genders T: Transgender, an individual whose birth gender does not match their affirmed gender (gender dysphoria) Q: Queer, describes any sexual orientation other than straight and may incorporate expressions of gender identity Questioning, a person who is uncertain of their sexual orientation +: Includes other individuals who may be allies (A) or not fit into other labels (such as intersex or asexual) So that we are all on the same page – definitions of the common terms and labels that encompass both sexual orientation and gender identity. Discuss “SAME SEX ATTRACTION”
From Church website Same-sex attraction is not a sin. This should not be viewed as a disease or illness. Individuals do not choose to have such attractions. “...what needs to change — is to help Church members respond sensitively and thoughtfully when they encounter same-sex attraction in their own families, among other Church members, or elsewhere.” – Elder Dallin H. Oaks We may know individuals with same-sex attraction in our workplaces, congregations and town halls. As people with hopes, fears and aspirations like everyone else, these neighbors deserve our love. Read section from ward member
BYU Devotional (8/7/18): Eric D. Huntsman “Hard Sayings and Safe Spaces: Making Room for Struggle as Well as Faith” Watch Full Video from beginning to minute 12:45, then skip to 17:35, and end at 24:00. (about 19 minutes total)
Devotional Debrief What stood out to you from this talk? What can we do to build a more welcoming community within our ward for LGBTQ+ members and friends?
Compassion and Love Matthew 22:39 -- Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Mosiah 18:9 -- Willing to mourn with those that mourn; comfort those that stand in need of comfort; and stand as witnesses of God. What are some of the specific challenges of church participation for LGBTQ+ members? How can we be compassionate and supportive? Read understanding what is required from members response. The source of hope and joy can also be a source of pain and heartache.
– Elder Quentin L. Cook (emphasis added) “Let us be at the forefront in terms of expressing love, compassion and outreach. Let’s not have families exclude or be disrespectful of those who choose a different lifestyle as a result of their feelings about their own gender.” – Elder Quentin L. Cook (emphasis added) Elder Cook’s remarks in closing – let us be the leaders within our communities in showing love, compassion and outreach. This may not solve every issue, but it is our best place to start. 1 Ne 11: 17.
Additional Resources Church’s website: Leader/Ministering Resources: Same-Sex Attraction ( Family Acceptance Project booklet for LDS families: Video interviews of LDS families with gay members: Other LDS-related resources: Mormons Building Bridges: Encircle: Support Groups: LDS Family Fellowship: Affirmation: North Star: