James Thurber “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” Page 780 2007 COS – 1a 2010 COS – RL.11-12.6; RL.11-12-10; W.11-12.4; W.11-12.10; SL.11-12.11; L.11-12.1; L.11-12.2; L.11-12.4; L.11-12.5; L.11-12.6 AHSGE – R.II.3; R.IV.2
James Thurber Thurber is generally acknowledged to be the foremost American humorist of the twentieth century. Thurber focused on the “little man,” who cannot quite assert himself in a confusing world where women seem surer of their way.
Literary Terms Parody (p. 781) – a work that ridicules another work by imitating some aspect of its style or content. Irony (p. 787) – a discrepancy between what we expect to happen and what really does happen
“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” In the story, Thurber uses the basic plot structure of cause and effect in an original way. Events from Mitty’s everyday life both trigger and end his daydreams. Throughout the story Mitty parodies real heroes and people with more dramatic lives than his. Walter Mitty is an antihero.
Quickwrite Think for a few minutes about stereotypes. List some other characters from TV, movies, novels, and stories that are based on stereotypes. Identify the stereotypes on which the characters are based. Example: Walter Mitty – hen-pecked husband
“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” As you read the story, keep a list of Walter Mitty’s daydreams and the events from his life which start and end each daydream.
Activity Complete a story analysis on “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.” Use the story analysis form you were given.