The VFA Utilizing Your New AACC Membership Benefit
Today’s Agenda Need Action Why and how the VFA was created VFA Participation Model Tier 1: AACC Member Benefit Tier 2: Advanced Data Suite Tour of the VFA The Data Tool Account Access Data Collection Exports
Why the VFA was developed The Voluntary Framework of Accountability is the first, national system of accountability specifically for community colleges, by community colleges
Objectives for the VFA: Accountability and Institutional Assessment Alignment Burden Reduction Value-added metrics for accountability National benchmarking for good practices Opportunity to streamline reporting / relieve IR capacity Ability to tell a better, more robust story Better data to inform public policy and advocacy
New VFA Membership Model accountability New VFA Membership Model Utility Sign-ups are open. Visit the VFA website to join:
VFA Web Site:
VFA Participant List
VFA Participant Profile [All Participants]
VFA Public PDF Reports [All Participants]
Reporting VFA Six Year Cohort Two Year Cohort CTE Cohort ABE Cohort Cohorts Reporting VFA Measures Six Year Cohort Developmental Education Progress Measures Two-Year Progress Measures Six-Year Outcomes Measures Two Year Cohort Main Credential Seeking First Time In College VFA Metrics: Student Progress & Outcomes: Two Reporting Timeframes (Cohort Years): Six Year Cohort: Developmental Education Progress & Six-Year Outcomes measures required; Two-Year Progress measures optional Two Year Cohort: Two-Year Progress measures required; Developmental Education Progress measures optional [Six-Year Outcomes measures not applicable] Three Cohort Types: Main Cohort, Credential Seeking Cohort, First Time in College Cohort Career & Technical Education (CTE) CTE Profile: required for all colleges with CTE CTE Completer/Leaver Cohort: required to report all data college is able Adult Basic Education (ABE): optionally reported The measures gauge student progress and outcomes from pre-collegiate preparation (such as developmental education and Adult Basic Education), through progress to completion and transfer measures. They are also inclusive of workforce outcomes for career and technical education. Career & Technical Education Measures Adult Basic Education Measures CTE Cohort ABE Cohort
Data Landing page
VFA Excel Export: Tabular Data on Your College Export to Excel
Outcomes Dashboard: Developmental Education [TIER 2]
Outcomes Dashboard: Two-Year Progress [TIER 2]
Benchmarking Dashboard: Selectors [TIER 2]
Benchmarking Dashboard: Peer Colleges [TIER 2]
VFA Benchmarking Export [TIER 2] Export to Excel
Additional Resources
Resources: VFA Data Help Center
Resources: VFA Webinars
Resources: VFA User Community
principle accountability system year four Reminders Sign-ups are open Data collection opens in March Data due in August Contact VFA at principle accountability system