Early American Music
Place is about geography. In order to fully appreciate the origins (beginnings) and purposes of music from any era (time period), it is necessary to understand what was happening during that time period. We need to look at the time, place and characteristics of an era. Time is about history. Place is about geography. Characteristics encompass what was the main ideas of the time and how they are reflected in music.
17th, 18th, and 19th centuries (1600’s , 1700’s & 1800’s) Time: Early (Colonial) America Place:
This is why this period in history is called Colonial America. THE BEGINNING OF COLONIAL AMERICA People traveled on boats from Europe (especially England) to begin a new life in a new world that would later become the United States of America. They brought their traditions, beliefs and customs with them. These European settlers created communities in different areas on the East coast, which became known as colonies. Of course, the people who lived in these colonies were called colonists. This is why this period in history is called Colonial America.
They met Native Americans who were already living there. When settlers arrived in this New World, some lived in what is known as Jamestown, Virginia (1607). They met Native Americans who were already living there. These colonists learned new ways of living or customs from these Native Americans. They learned how to plant crops like corn and beans.
EUROPEAN INFLUENCES ON EARLY AMERICAN MUSIC The settlers brought with them their music influences. Musical elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, form, timbre, tempo, and dynamics which were used by European composers were incorporated in the colonists’ music. Composers that were popular in Europe during Early American times were Bach and Handel (1600s), Mozart (1700s) and Beethoven (1700s -1800s).
Some of their possessions included music instruments. COMMON INSTRUMENTS OF EUROPE AND EARLY AMERICAN COLONIES Adults brought their treasures and most cherished possessions with them on the trip to the New World. Some of their possessions included music instruments. Instruments brought over from Europe that became prominent in the New World: Violin Guitar Dulcimer Harmonica M a n d o l i n Harpsichord (if you could get it shipped over) Recorder Piano wasn’t invented until 1771.
MUSIC OF EARLY AMERICA Even though settlers brought over the styles and elements of music to the New World, European music (Classical) was rarely performed in the colonies. Big cities and towns and rich people (politicians, etc.) had classical music performed at special events.
Folk Songs examples: Old Dan Tucker; Oh, Susannah MUSIC OF EARLY AMERICA Folk songs and Game songs were one of the most popular styles of music in Colonial America. Folk songs, in general, are usually songs about everyday life AND are passed down from generation to generation. Folk Songs examples: Old Dan Tucker; Oh, Susannah Game Songs examples: Ring Around The Rosie, Mulberry Bush, London Bridge
Gospel music eventually developed within the Christian denominations. MUSIC OF EARLY AMERICA GOSPEL MUSIC Europeans brought Catholicism, Protestantism and Judaism to early America. With these religions came spiritual musical practices that were both preserved and adapted. Gospel music eventually developed within the Christian denominations.
AFRICAN AMERICAN INFLUENCES ON EARLY AMERICAN MUSIC To make a long story short: Africans were brought over as slaves to the Americas. They “carried” with them their culture, beliefs, and music. They brought over their rhythms and re-made instruments that they used in Africa.
The slaves sang work songs while working in the fields of the slave owners. Over time, these work songs integrated with Early American songs and church music and developed into a style of music called Spirituals. These spirituals were sacred and was a way for them to ease the burden of their hard life (they sang about hope for a better life).
Africa’s Contribution to Music: Banjo Drums Call & Response Improvisation: Making music up as you go along. Polyrhythms: Two or more contrasting rhythm patterns being played at the same time.
Game Songs – for recreation. SUMMARY (FOR NOTES): Early American music influences came from Europe (musical elements such as melody, harmony, form, etc.; music of Bach, Handel, Beethoven, Mozart) Instruments of Early America: violin (fiddle), dulcimer, banjo, guitar, harpsichord, jaw harp, harmonica, and recorder Styles of Music: Folk Songs - usually about everyday life; passed down from generation to generation Game Songs – for recreation. Church music (Gospel) - Hymns (Songs for worship) Formal (Classical)
Call & Response Improvisation: SUMMARY (FOR NOTES): Africa’s Contribution to Early American Music: Banjo Drums POLYRHYTHMS: Two or more contrasting rhythm patterns played at the same time. Call & Response Improvisation: Making music up as you go along.