Data Reduction Tutorials - Tuesday


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Presentation transcript:

Data Reduction Tutorials - Tuesday Advanced Data Analysis EVLA Cont./Polarization – Science Operations Center (SOC) Auditorium Advanced Data Analysis EVLA Spectral Line – Weir 128 Millimeter tutorial and ALMA demo – Speare 23, Weir 209 AIPS and the EVLA – SOC VLBA Astrometry – SOC Low Frequency - SOC Specific room assignments can be found on the shelves outside Workman 101 Please check where you should go tomorrow before leaving today. Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop

Tuesday Tutorial Lunch Will take place from 12:00-1:30 at the SOC At 1:15 we will have a group photo taken outside the SOC Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop

Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop Lectures The lectures are being posted to the web as I get them. You can get to them from the Workshop web page: Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop

Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop T-shirts and Photos The workshop t-shirts will be available at the break. Each participant gets one, extras are $10. We only have enough shirt to cover what was ordered last week. Please send me any photos you have of the workshop. I will post them on the web Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop

Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop Workshop Dinner Takes place in tonight from 6:30-9:00 at Macey Center (same place as reception) Alcoholic drinks are not allowed to leave the premises of Macey Center (i.e. you cannot leave with them or even take them out on the lawn). Shuttles will take people back to their hotels from 7:30-9:00 from Macey. Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop

Discussion Session (5:50-6:20) Low Frequency Interferometry – Tracy Clarke Workman 107 High Dynamic Range Imaging – Rick Perley Workman 101 Array Design and Simulations – Craig Walker Workman 109 Proposal Writing and PST Demo – Joan Wrobel Workman 113 Interferometry of Solar System objects – Bryan Butler Lobby Extragalactic Science – Jim Condon Workman 115 Non-imaging data analysis Workman 110 Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop

Transportation to the Airport Shuttle at 2:30 pick SOC Bus on Tuesday, June 15, at 6:00pm Pick up will be at the SOC, bring your luggage in the morning, we will store it for you Bus on Wednesday, June 16, at 7:00am If your flight is before 9:00am on Wednesday, please take the Tuesday bus and stay in an airport hotel. If you need help with reservations Natti Gonzales will be here at the breaks to assist you Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop