FoHS spring ball – Friday 16th March Newsletter January 2018 Can you help? Dave Smith, will be stepping down at the end of the year. A massive thank you to Dave for all his hard work over the past 7 years - Dave has filled many roles, including his current one as treasurer. This means we are actively looking for a treasurer to join the committee from September 2018. And we are always on the lookout for new committee members. If you are interested in joining the committee, then please speak to one of the Friends, email us at, or complete the attached form. We have ~4 meetings, and also host events (film nights, discos, fetes) throughout the year to raise funds for the school. We help fund music lessons, Christmas panto tickets and Year 6 leavers gifts, and we are currently fundraising to replace the IT equipment. Year Committee for 2017-2018 Committee for 2018-2019 6 Sally Doughty VACANT 5 Dave Smith Deb Benn 4 Marie Harris 3 Nyree Brown 2 Charlotte Alman, Amy Ashford, Jill Harrison 1 Reception Nursery FoHS spring ball – Friday 16th March Please join us for the Friends of Hailey School Spring Ball! The evening will be a black tie event, held at Eynsham Hall and will include a welcome drink, 3 course meal and a disco. The evening starts at 7.30pm, with dinner at 8pm and carriages at midnight. Tickets are on sale now and cost £55 each. We hope that you’ll be able to join us for what promises to be an excellent evening. Please see booking form on back page. Tables of maximum 10 people can be booked, or we can arrange seating for smaller groups/individuals. Payment at time of booking please: cash, cheque to ‘Friends of Hailey School’ or PayPal to ‘Friends of Hailey School’. Please return booking forms by Friday 23rd February. FoHS Spring Ball
Volunteering at specific events On-going fundraising initiatives As well as committee members, we also need an army of volunteers to help run each of the proposed events below. If you are able to help, please complete the attached reply slip and drop it into the school mailbox at reception by the end of January. Please note, without YOUR HELP, events may have to be cancelled. FoHS events Event Date, time Price Valentines disco Fri 9th Feb 2018, 6.00-7.30 pm £3 FoHS spring ball Fri 16th Mar 2018, 7.00-midnight £55 Film night Fri 23rd Mar 2018, 3.15-5.00 pm Hailey village & school fete Sat 16th June 2018, midday-4.00 pm ─ Summer extravaganza Fri 20th July 2018 3.15-4.30 pm End of year disco Fri 20th July 2018, 6.30-8 pm Anonymous donation Thank you! We would like to say a huge thank you to the kind benefactor who has so generously donated £500 towards our fundraising…. On-going fundraising initiatives The textiles recycling bin is at the top end of the school car park. Please put all clothes, shoes and bags for collection into plastic bags before putting inside. is a quick and easy way for you to help us fundraise – at no cost to yourselves!! Simply log in via the website before you do your online shopping, and select “Friends of Hailey Primary School – Witney” as your cause. We will then earn a donation when you shop online. If you can sign up for gift aid we can also claim back the tax on your donations Keep up-to-date by liking our Facebook page:
Individual events volunteer form FoHS committee form If you would like to join the FoHS committee, please complete your contact details and return this form to the Friends via the school mailbox at reception Name _____________________________ Email address Mobile number Child’s name(s) and current year(s) _____________________________ Individual events volunteer form If you are able to help out at specific FoHS events, please complete your contact details and tick the event(s) and return to the Friends via the school mailbox at reception before the end of January Name _____________________________ Child’s name(s) and year(s) Email address Mobile number Valentines disco Film night Hailey village fete End of year disco 09/02/18 23/03/18 16/06/18 20/07/18
FoHS spring ball booking form Booking contact name____________________________________________________________________ Email address___________________________________________________________________________ Number of tickets required (max 10 per table)_________________________________________________ Names and dietary requirements of those attending Name 1_____________________________ Name 2_____________________________ Name 3_____________________________ Name 4_____________________________ Name 5_____________________________ Name 6_____________________________ Name 7_____________________________ Name 8_____________________________ Name 9_____________________________ Name 10_____________________________ Dietary requirement 1_____________________________ Dietary requirement 2_____________________________ Dietary requirement 3_____________________________ Dietary requirement 4_____________________________ Dietary requirement 5_____________________________ Dietary requirement 6_____________________________ Dietary requirement 7_____________________________ Dietary requirement 8_____________________________ Dietary requirement 9_____________________________ Dietary requirement 10_____________________________ Please tick here, if you would you be interested in a return bus from Hailey to North Leigh? You will be contacted with details, should enough people be interested. Please advise of any other people that are booking tickets (separately to this form) that you may wish to sit with. We will do our best to accommodate this request:__________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Please return booking forms and monies (£55 per ticket) to the school office by Friday 23rd February. Please make cheques payable to ‘Friends of Haley School’, or pay by PayPal to ‘Friends of Hailey School’ or alternatively please contact Charlotte Alman ( to make your booking by email and payment by credit/debit card.