Four Corners
Review What is a producer? What color are they? An organism that can make its own food. What color are they? green, from chlorophyll
Review What is an herbivore? An organism that eats producers.
Review What is a carnivore? An organism that eats meat.
Review What is an omnivore? An organism that eats producers and meat.
Directions: Read the description! It will help you Take the cards out of the envelope and as a group, sort through and decide whether each one is a producer, carnivore, omnivore, or herbivore. Place them in the right box on the poster board. Use the information on each card to help you decide which category to put each organism in. Read the description! It will help you
Directions: Turn your poster over to the triangle side. Think about this Arctic food web. We are going to place the cards on the energy pyramid. When designing an energy pyramid, the producers are on the bottom.
Energy Pyramid tertiary consumers secondary consumers primary consumers producers
Directions: Think about this Arctic food web. We will draw arrows to show energy flow on the board. As a table, think about where arrows can be drawn. When designing a food web, the producers are usually on the bottom.