How does Energy Flow within a Community?
Autotrophs Heterotrophs Organisms that can make their own food using the sun’s energy (photosynthesis) Heterotrophs Organisms that rely on external energy sources (eat plants/animals)
Food Chains
Producers (autotrophs) Organisms that make their own food using the sun’s energy (Photosynthesis)
Algae Seagrass Phytoplankton Examples: (Plants) Algae Seagrass Phytoplankton
Primary Consumers The 1st level of heterotrophs that get their energy by eating producers
Examples: (Herbivores) Blue Tang Green Sea Turtle Manatee Sea Urchin
Secondary Consumers The 2nd level of heterotrophs that get their energy by eating primary consumers
Examples: (Carnivores) Butterfly fish Dolphins Most larger fish Most Sea turtles
Top Predator (tertiary consumer) Organisms that get their energy by eating other consumers
Some sharks Some whales Humans Examples: Some sharks Some whales Humans
Other Consumers Scavengers Decomposers eat what is left of producers and consumers (ex. crabs & snails) Decomposers - break down dead plants and animals, as well as waste (ex. bacteria)
Top Predator Secondary Consumer Primary Consumer R Producer
The trophic pyramid has an ecological efficiency of 10% - only 10% of the energy from one level transfers to the next (90% is lost to entropy – heat!)
Food Web Shows that organisms often have different choices of prey; represents the flow of energy through consumption in nature.
Removing Cats to Protect Birds Backfires on Island Article Removing Cats to Protect Birds Backfires on Island
Joe’s Creek
Bioaccumulation Increasing the concentration of a toxic substance in one organism Occurs within a trophic level Examples: Heavy metals, pesticides, organic chemicals
Bio-magnification Increasing the concentration of toxic substances as you move through the food chain Occurs between trophic levels Examples: DDT and heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium and zinc
Analysis: Group Discussion Do you think bioaccumulation of toxic compounds has the potential to affect humans? Why or why not?
Bald Eagle Article List 3 reasons why eagle populations declined. What affect did DDT have (physiologically) on bald eagles? What was done in response to the decline to boost eagle populations?
Video Clip
What’s for lunch? If you could have anything for lunch today, what would it be? Write down the following in your notes: A main course 2 sides 1 dessert 1 school appropriate beverage
Task: Lunch Mapping To create a visual that shows the flow of energy through the things you consume.
Lunch Mapping Create a sketch in your notebook On a piece of construction paper (and in color!) draw a complete version of your map Create a color-coded key Circle producers in 1 color Circle primary consumers in a different color Circle secondary consumers/omnivores in a 3rd color