CeLCS Developing language studies for students in all university faculties Presentation on the mission and quality management policy of CelcS Case: English studies CeLCS
Today i will tell you about Centre for Language and Communication Studies Our quality management system Linking language and university studies: preparing for working life General and faculty-specific courses Examples of integrating language and university studies
The core tasks of the Centre for Language and Communication Studies are as follows: to implement and develop research-informed language and communication teaching for degree and graduate students in both study and working life skills to support the university in its internationalization and implementation of its language policy to promote by its activities multilingualism, cultural knowledge and intercultural communication to create, maintain and develop national and international connections and collaboration to arrange, when necessary, language and communication teaching for all university staff CeLCS
Staff: 54 teachers 21 part-time teachers 6 administrative staff Teaching in all faculties
Diversity Teaching in 11 languages: English, Finnish, Swedish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Bahasa, Russian, Spanish, Chinese Teachers from 11 different countries Students from every continent Over 11 000 hours of teaching every year 5. The Language Centre offers courses in over a dozen languages. We have students from every continent and teachers from more than ten countries. Our major task is providing the courses needed by most students to complete their degree requirements, but we also have courses geared to post-graduate students and researchers.
Language and Communication Skills Beginners’ and Intermediate courses Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) Study modules (20-25 op) Minor in languages in business communication Integrated courses Examples: Medicine Business communication Dentistry Nursing Physics Chemistry Biology Education Information Technology Biochemistry Law 6. The Language Centre offers beginners’ and intermediate courses in languages that may not have been widely taught at school. Other courses in LSP (Languages for Special Purposes) are intended to extend general language skills to include the academic and future professional discourses of the various fields of study. Reading skills, oral skills and academic writing courses are to be found side by side with integrated courses.
Cultural Awareness Multilingual / Multicultural teaching staff Intercultural Communication courses Language Study Modules Language Circles Language and Culture Tandem 9. Language and culture are inseparable. The Language Centre provides both formal and informal settings in which students can learn about other cultures and at the same time practice using language in authentic situations.
Internationalisation 1. Finnish for Foreigners 2. FALCS: First Article Language Checking Service: Working together with the Graduate School to assist in international publications 3. Doctoral level language courses: Writing Grant Proposals Academic Writing for Researchers Presentation Skills 4. International exchange students as tutors 10. Internationalisation finds its natural home in the Language Centre. Finnish for Foreigners’ courses are offered for international exchange students; several of the same students offer their services as tutors in their own language to support Finnish and other students. International Teaching Assistants are and will be involved more in teaching situations. Networking with colleagues in other countries and membership of the European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education (CercleS) are also important ways of maintaining international contacts.
research Own journal Kielikeskus tutkii Vol. 1 2013 Vol. 2 2015 Doctoral research
Quality management
feedback Feedback in CeLCS is essentially gathered in four different but complementary ways. Teaching development – done by teachers Centralized system of feedback operating utilizing Webropol. Student input: Directors and Head of Academic and Student Affairs meet with TYY four times per year to analyse current issues and needs for development. Student input: Finally, TYY takes their own feedback of our activities once per year and present their findings to our staff.
LINKING LANGUAGE AND SUBJECT STUDIES Learning outcomes in line with faculty learning outcomes Language studies for all faculties and faculty specific courses Transferrable skills Increasing focus on integration of language studies and subject studies
Curricula learning outcomes Faculty-level Language-level Course-level
Faculty of Humanities In the language and communication studies of the Faculty of Humanities, the student develops his / her academic interaction and communication skills and strengthens his / her own perception as a communicator. After completing the studies, the student understands the importance of language and communication skills in studying and working life. The student is able to communicate objectively, both verbally and in writing, and takes into consideration the situation and the target group. The student is familiar with the tools of language learning and use and is able to utilize them. The student is able to apply the skills he/she has acquired in future work. The student recognizes their strengths and development needs as a learner and as a communicator.
Faculty language requirements Finnish, Swedish and one foreign language (TSE two foreign languages) Study point amounts vary from faculty to faculty Humanities 15 ECTS Natural Sciences and Engineering 10 ECTS Medicine 7 ECTS Law 23 ECTS Social Sciences 16 ECTS Education 11 ECTS TSE 24 ECTS
English studies B1 B1-B2 B2-C1 B1-C1
All-faculty english courses
Examples of integration Faculty of Education (OKL): students reflect (in English) on their student teaching experiences that take place during the course students develop lesson plans in English to use in their student teaching in bilingual (CLIL) classrooms Faculty of Social Sciences (Political Science, Contemporary History, and Philosophy): students analyze English texts in use in their faculty courses students take notes in English during faculty lectures (in either Finnish or English)
Take home message Language and communication skills are a key part of professional skills