TTA IPR Activities Kwang-su, KIM TTA GSC_IPR(15)01_005r1 Document No: Source: TTA Contact: Boomi, KANG ( GSC Session: IPR Agenda Item: [ Agenda item number ] or [ For Information Only ] TTA IPR Activities Kwang-su, KIM TTA
TTA Deliverables Status [ As of April 2015 ] Deliverables ~’07 ’08 ’09 '10 '11. ‘12 ‘13 ’14. TTA Standard (TTAS) Telecommunication 1,012 1,134 1,275 1,384 1,492 1,607 1,663 1,689 Radio & Broadcasting 304 365 428 504 562 622 707 756 ICT Application 1,495 1,683 1,880 2,123 2,329 2,549 2,755 2,913 Total 2,811 3,182 3,583 4,011 4,383 4,778 5,125 5,353 Technical Specification (TS) 3,579 4,250 5,194 6,264 6,314 7,211 8,021 8,120 6,390 7,432 8,777 10,275 10,697 11,989 13,146 13,478
TTA Committee Technical Assembly [ As of April 2015 ] IPR Special Committee Coordination Committee Strategic Planning ICT Terms Standardization 8 Technical Committee(TC) 47 Project Group(PG) 25 Working Group(WG) Telecommunication(TC2) Optical Transmission, Smart Home, Grounding, Ethernet, IPTV/Tele-Screen, Future Internet, Network Management/QoS, IPv6/Internet Address Resource, Smart Work CWDM based Metro Access, Energy management for home device, Common Hardware Platform, Network Software Common Platform ICT Convergence(TC4) NGIS, Intelligent Robot, Post PC, SoC, u-Health, Public Information Service, Green ICT, Visual Light Convergence Communication, Smart Farming Personal Health Data, Wellness Human Care Information Security(TC5) Information security infrastructure, Personal Information service/ID management, Cyber Security, Application Security/Assessment, Authentication, Biometrics Software/Contents(TC6) Marin data, Game Technology, Digital Holography Embedded S/W, Open Software, Software Quality Evaluation, WEB, Metadata, e-navigation, e-publishing, CPS, Digital Contents Broadcasting(TC8) UHDTV RF Transmission, UHDTV System & Codec, Digital Cable UHDTV Mobile Broadcasting, Terrestrial Broadcasting, Cable Broadcasting, Common Broadcasting Technology, Satellite Broadcasting Radio/Mobile Communication (TC9) Radio Resources, Public Safety, Special Communication, LBS System, ITS/Automobile ICT, IMT, Wireless PAN/LAN/MAN, Seamless Wireless Interworking, Wireless Power Transfer, Mobile Application Service Electromagnetic Compatibility/Radio Prop., Protection of People from Electromagnetic Wave, CR/SDR, PS-LTE, Magnetic Field/Underwater Communication, Maritime/Aeronautical Communication, 3GPPs, CJK IMT, Mobile Wireless Power Transfer, WPT for Home Appliances & Vehicle, UICC Portability, VoLTE Interworking, RCS Interworking IoT (Special TC1) IoT/M2M Convergence, IoT/M2M Networking, oneM2M Cloud/Big data (Special TC2) Cloud Computing, Big Data
TTA IPR Special Committee IPR Special Committee has the responsibility to discuss the IPR issues of TTA, including copyright, update the IPR policy and guidelines of TTA, consider to improve the IPR declaration DB in TTA, and so on. Technical Assembly IPR Special Committee Strategic Planning Committee Coordination Committee ICT Terminology Committee 23 members of 16 TTA members 8 Technical Committees (TC) 47 Project Groups (PG)
TTA IPR Policy IPR Disclosure Licensing Terms is either Anyone who proposes a TTA standards item or anyone who has or knows any known IPRs, including pending IPR application, related to TTA standards, from the outset, draws the attention of TTA by notifying relevant information to TTA. According to the above notification, IPR holder shall submit the written IPR declaration to TTA. Licensing Terms is either without compensation and on a non-discriminatory basis; or reasonable terms and conditions and non-discriminatory basis TTA responsibility TTA shall not be responsible for the accuracy and validity of relevant IPRs claimed by IPR holders, and TTA shall not be involved in the arbitration of disputes between IPR holders and users of TTA standards.
Statistics of TTA IPR Declaration As of April. 2015 Note : This is excluded from declaration of 3GPPs’ TS related patents. You can find the information on website :
TTA IPR Declaration DB (1) summit the IPR information date of submission Title of Deliverable IPR Holder Number of Deliverables Numbers of patents
TTA IPR Declaration DB (2) IPR Holder contact point work item or standards specific IPR information licensing terms
Since GSC-17 IPR WG Changes of Surroundings In Sept. 2013, TTA IPR Policy was amended for clarification of IPR information notification, and form of Written IPR Declarations. Changes of Surroundings Dec. 2011, Korea FTC published “Model Operating Guidelines for SSOs” Dec. 2014, Korea FTC amended “Guidelines for Examination of Improper Exercise of Intellectual Property Rights” * refer to : (press release No. 206)
After GSC-19 IPR WG IPR SC will discuss items such as : reciprocity transfer; improvement of TTA IP database; S/W Copyrights, and the relevance to Korea FTC guidelines, etc.
Cooperation with KIPO TTA has a close relationship with KIPO. KIPO is, of course, one of the TTA members. KIPO members participate the IPR SC meeting TTA and KIPO have held a co-event, annually, for seminars relating to IPR and standards. In 2002, TTA and KIPO made a MoU for cooperation. TTA and KIPO exchange some information for standardization activities as needed by each other.