AUTOMATION OF TRAVEL AND PCARD PROCESSES Focus Group – Session 2 July 28, 2014 Jené Janich, Business Process Analyst and Orkun Toros, Director of Finance Operations
GOALS SYSTEM DESIGN Streamline the processes Apply best practices Automate approvals SYSTEM DESIGN Implement the self-service functionality to automate travel authorization, reimbursement, PCard reconciliation and approvals in the Peoplesoft T&E Module. 11/13/2018 Travel & Expenses
WHY DO IT? We currently use a paper-based process to manage travel expenses and credit card transactions Process lacks automation and requires manual validation for ensuring policy compliance Budget checking is done after costs have been incurred Five types of credit cards are available Too many Cash Advances Currently Procurement Management is manually keying in all travel transactions Purchasing cards are handled in an Access Database and with JEs 11/13/2018 Travel & Expenses
PEOPLESOFT TRAVEL AND EXPENSE MODULE OUR VISION PEOPLESOFT TRAVEL AND EXPENSE MODULE ONE CARD ONE TEAM ONE SYSTEM Single card for purchasing and travel Authorization controls for merchant categories Quicker access to transactions Travel Insurance is included on the credit card Travel and PCard teams combined One Team is more convenient for customer service Processes and procedures realigned Validate and manage program Use PS T&E self-service for all expenses & PCard Integrate “My Wallet” to bring in card transactions Create, route and approve travel authorizations, travel and One Card expense reports Post transactions to cost centers sooner 11/13/2018 Travel & Expenses
WHY ARE YOU HERE? Investigate your concerns and experiences Gather your opinions and feedback Help us design the system to fit your business needs Test assumptions 11/13/2018 Travel & Expenses
SESSION 1 REVIEW One Card Cash Advances Which employees should use a One Card? Current employees who have traveled in the last year. Pre-order but distribute as needed. What are the risks and challenges of implementing it in your department? Faculty without cost centers who travel- including this requirement in system design. Cash Advances Procurement Management would like to minimize the cash advances over time. Agreed. Detailed guidelines will be distributed for consideration. The process will remain paper-based and handled by Procurement Management. Agreed. 11/13/2018 Travel & Expenses
SESSION 1 REVIEW (Cont’d) Receipts - Agreed. Procedures will be the same as they are now. Travelers will scan and upload required receipts. Procurement Management prefers one file for each report. Travel Authorizations Proposed travel authorization procedures – required only for Sponsored Program cost centers (entered by department ) and International travel (entered by Procurement Management) Workflow The system does not allow travelers to approve their own expense report 11/13/2018 Travel & Expenses
Continue One Card Discussion Observations using current travel card Problems using the current travel card Purchases on travel status that are legitimate but were denied. We currently consider launching One Card before implementing Travel & Expense module? The process will remain paper-based until module is available One statement to reconcile How would it impact your department? Buying books at conference Buying coffee at airport 11/13/2018 Travel & Expenses
3 Direct Supervisor Approves (DRAFT) WORKFLOW 1 Requestor Enters 2 CC Manager Approves Fund Code=2XXX? 4 AVP-PM 4 AVP-PM 5 Special Exp. Type? 3 Direct Supervisor Approves Fund Code=5XXX? Yes OPM OPM AVP-PM *ELSE No PM Processed by the department PeopleSoft operation Post to GL Office of Post-Awards Management Processed by Procurement Management 11/13/2018 Travel & Expenses
Workflow (Cont’d) Requestor – can be traveler or a trusted Proxy Cost Center Managers – same as eProcurement. Two per cost center. Direct Supervisor – person you report to. This information is not currently in the system. Will need your help to gather this information to populate the system (Oct?) Once we load the system, Payroll will maintain it 11/13/2018 Travel & Expenses
WORKFLOW (Cont’d) System includes an escalation process to handle expense reports outstanding for a long time. Month end – what should we do with One Card activity that is not reconciled before the end of the month? 11/13/2018 Travel & Expenses
Direct Supervisor Approves WORKFLOW (Cont’d) If there is more than one cost center on a report, all cost center managers must approve before the report can move to the next step. Requestors will be able to see where in the process the expense report is. CC Manager 1 Approves Requestor Enters Direct Supervisor Approves CC Manager 2 Approves CC Manager 2 Approves 11/13/2018 Travel & Expenses
NEXT SESSION(S) Review/Complete today’s discussion Continue One Card discussions Discuss finalized configuration of Expense Report Other 11/13/2018 Travel & Expenses
QUESTIONS? 11/13/2018 Travel & Expenses