Welcome new and old members! PSI CHI- The International Honor Society in Psychology
ICE BREAKER Red - Favorite class taken so far? Color Questions: Red - Favorite class taken so far? Orange - Where is your hometown? Yellow - Favorite restaurant? Green - One goal for 2018? Purple - Favorite genre of music?
Psi Chi’s Mission Statement Recognizing and promoting excellence in the science and application of psychology TEVIS
UCF PSI CHI CHAPTER: Benefits of Membership Networking: Get to know psychology majors, professors, and psychology people in the community (maybe for a future job, internship or mentorship). Resume: it looks really good and shows that you were an involved member of your school and community (not just a high achieving smarty pants). Community: Get involved with the community while meeting people and having fun. Psi Chi provides over $300,550 annually in awards and grants to students You’re a member for life and you can never be kicked out!!! Tevis
Office Hours Tevis: Monday 1:30pm-2:30pm Natalya: Tuesday 5:00pm-6:00pm Angelina: Wednesday 9:00am-10:00am Lili: Wednesday 1:30pm-2:30 pm Johanna: Wednesday 7:00pm-8:00pm Stephanie: Thursday 10:30am-11:30am Melissa: Friday 10:30am-11:30am Lily and intros
New application process First you must apply online. Please print out the output You can find the application in this link! {https://www.psichi.org/?page=become_member#.WmfJdq6nHIU} Melissa
Step by step process 1)Fill out application online 2)Print out completed application 3)Print degree audit 4)Bring $65 cash or check 5)Turn in during office hours or one of our meetings! APPLICATION DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21ST AT 8:00PM at meeting Melissa
Psi Chi Requirements Overall GPA Cutoffs- Top 35% at UCF Sophomore (45-60 Credit Hours): 3.453 Junior (61-90 Credit Hours): 3.361 Senior (91+): 3.402 Psychology GPA must be over 3.0 Need at least 9 credit hours in Psychology courses completed Need at least 12 credit hours completed at UCF Major or Minor must be Psychology Angie
Volunteer Opportunities With Psi Chi February 10th @ 2pm: New hope for kids April 6th: Research Expo! Help setup- We can grant service hours Knights Helping Knight’s Pantry Drive at Research Expo Steph
FUNdraising! Apply to be on the fundraising committee! Pitch fun events and be more active in Psi Chi. Upcoming Events: Love is in the air! Decorate a candy gram immediately after our February 7th meeting. We’ll provide the markers, cards, and sweet treats; you provide a suggested donation of $2 Save the date! Partial Proceeds at Tijuana Flats February 12th. Make sure you bring a friend and mention Psi Chi :) Super easy (and FUN) way to be apart of the organization! Future events are TBD. Potential dates include February 28th and March 28th. End of semester Menchie’s Meeting on April 4th! Sam
Psi Chi is going to FURC this February! CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS WHO WILL BE JOINING US: Samantha Berg Alexia Walter Gabriela Gonzalez Nicole Westerhorstmann Juan Manuel Alzate Vanegas Psi Chi is going to FURC this February! Johanna
Apply to be an Officer for the 2018-2019 year! President: Lead membership by defining and pursuing the goals and objectives of chapter. Vice President: Assist fellow officers through delegated tasks. Secretary: Take and record minutes of each meeting. Treasurer: Verify information concerning Psi Chi funds, deposits, and accounts. Manage your chapter’s budget. Event Planner: Reserve rooms, food, technological aids etc. for meetings and induction ceremony Webmaster: Maintain chapter’s website, social media sites, and KnightsConnect) with accurate/ updated information. Historian: Promote awareness of Psi Chi. Share Chapter’s photographs on social media,Send out day of meeting reminders on Instagram. Get involved and come talk to us to get prepared for your application Johanna
Awards this semester What is considered an active member: Exceptional Member Involvement Award: A cord and certificate will be awarded for being the most active member this semester. Outstanding Member Involvement Award: The second most active member will receive a Psi Chi certificate and a Psi Chi T-Shirt. What is considered an active member: To be considered active for the quarter you need to at least (2) two meetings, attend one (1) event and one (1) fundraiser. Being an active member is the only way to earn a Psi Chi cord to wear to your own graduation, so if you want one of those sweet blue and silver cords make sure you’re attending events and getting credit for them! Johanna
General Meetings Coming Up Feb 7th : Professionals in the field and Internship opportunities! Feb 21 : Are you conference ready? March 21th: Election day (Applications are due) April 4th: An icy destress Induction will take place in April!Date, to be announced. Johanna