4-H Portfolios:: Junior Edition Celebrate YOU!
A celebration of your work and accomplishments What Is A Portfolio? A celebration of your work and accomplishments for the year! January-December 2014
What Is A Portfolio? It is two-pages of accomplishments divided into sections and one page of supporting material/pictures. l
Portfolio Sections Background Paragraph Main Project Work Sharing and Helping Experiences Leadership Activities Community Service and Citizenship 4-H Activities Other Activities and Information
Background Paragraph=5 points Portfolio Sections Background Paragraph=5 points May include any information about how you chose your project area, family history of 4-H, past involvement in your project or any other information you want the judges to know about you! X
Main Project Work= 25 points Portfolio Sections Main Project Work= 25 points This category includes any thing you have done to learn more about your project area. It may include classes, workshops, tours, interviews, websites, books, and more! X
Main Project Sharing & Helping =20 points Portfolio Sections Main Project Sharing & Helping =20 points Include anything you have done to share what you know about your project area with others. Presentations, exhibits, project-related community service, project clubs, mentoring, etc… X
Portfolio Sections X Leadership=15 points Includes leadership activities such as holding an office in a club, serving on committees, teen leader activities, assisting fellow 4-H’ers or just being a helpful part of a group or organization. X
Community Service/Citizenship=15 points Portfolio Sections Community Service/Citizenship=15 points Any community service project you donated to, helped with, or participated in for the betterment of the community. May include work with the elderly, disabled, youth at risk, beautification projects, and more! X
Portfolio Sections X 4-H Activities=10 points 4-H related activities or events not listed elsewhere in the portfolio. Participation in county, district, or state 4-H events may be listed here. X
Other Activities & Information= 5 points Portfolio Sections Other Activities & Information= 5 points Any other activities you have not yet listed that help make you who you are! This may include school, community, church, or any other activities you love and are active in. X
Supporting Material= 5 points Portfolio Sections Supporting Material= 5 points This is where you get to show the judges all the wonderful things you talked about in your portfolio! Include one page of pictures, news articles, letter, or support materials to show off your great work! X
Portfolio Example
Portfolio Example
Portfolio Example
Keep a running list or calendar of activities and events Portfolio Advice Keep a running list or calendar of activities and events Start now organizing your list of activities into sections, then add to sections as you complete activities/events!
PROJECT Planning Chalk Talk and Thinking Maps Activity: Go outside and create your own brainstorming map. Maps can help organize thoughts for demonstration or portfolio development.
Developed by: Lee Anna M. Deal, Bulloch County 2014 4-H Portfolios: Celebrate YOU! Developed by: Lee Anna M. Deal, Bulloch County 2014