Clinical Electron Dosimetry John Spindler, CMD Louise Francis, CMD
History of Electron Therapy Early clinical use Modern clinical use Electron vs Orthovoltage Treatment
Electron Production How are electrons produced Useful energy range Electron Scattering
Electron Production
Electron Characteristics Relatively uniform dose distribution within first few centimeters of tissue followed by rapid fall off. Less skin sparing and less penetrating . Constriction of higher isodose lines and ballooning of lower isodose lines. Bremsstrahlung tail.
Electron Characteristics
Electron Characteristics
Electron Characteristics Practical Range Rp(cm)=MeV/2 Therapeutic Range 90%isodose=MeV/4 80%isodose=MeV/3
Electron Characteristics 3 4
Clinical Applications Choosing electron energy rule of thumb Consider not only what you are trying to treat, but also what you may be trying to avoid Remember to include adequate margin when drawing electron fields
Electron Monitor Units %