Portfolio Reminders 7th Grade Portfolio
A Completed 7th Grade Portfolio Includes: Main Content Classes 24 Total Content PBA’s 6 English / Language Arts PBAs 6 Math PBAs 6 Science PBAs 6 Humanities PBAs
A Completed 7th Grade Portfolio Includes: MAGn’T2 Classes 12 PBAs Total: 3 Art 3 Physical Education 3 Music 3 Health
A Completed 7th Grade Portfolio Includes: 1 Inside-Out Project
A Completed 7th Grade Portfolio Includes: 1 Community Service Projects 5 hours total
How many reflections do I have to write? ELA ---2 Humanities---2 Science---2 Math---2 Phys. Ed---1 Music---1 ART---1 Health- 1 Inside Out- 1 Community Service- 1
Reflections Teachers will choose which PBA’s student will reflect on. Students does not need a 3 on a PBA in order to reflect on the PBA. Students can reflect on PBAs in which they earn a 1 or a 2. Those students' reflections will be a little different. Their reflection will describe a plan on how they will improve their performance on the PBA in the "analyze" section of the reflection. Teachers will include PBA specific prompts in their reflection worksheets that guide students to write meaningful responses, while still following the describe, analyze and extend format.
Reflections Reflections will be written on specific PBA’s (teacher’s choose) ALL Reflections should be hand written as a first draft ALL Reflections should then be edited, revised and typed Typed Reflections need to be created as, or saved as a Google Doc & shared with your Content teacher and your Advisor
Reflections: The PBA’s you reflect on will be chosen by your teachers. Reflections consist of 3 sections (5-7 sentences each) One of the most important things to do as learners is to reflect on what you are learning and how you can continue to grow. That is why at Segue we require all of our students to be reflective thinkers. The following is a guideline for you to use as you reflect on your PBAs this academic year. There are 4 basic things we want you to think about: Describe: What did you do on your PBA? Analyze: How did you do on this PBA? Extend: How can you use this information in other classes or out in the “real world”? What do you know now that you did not know before? What can you do now that you could not do before? Reflections will be graded by your 7th Grade Team of Teachers and must meet our Grade 7 Reflection Expectations *We will use a Rubric to grade each Reflection*
Acceptable PBAs For a PBA to be submitted into your Portfolio: Core Class & MAGn’T class PBAs need to have achieved a Rubric score of 3 (85%) or higher If PBA scores are initially below a score of 3, PBAs can be revised within a given time frame within your classes to achieve the score of 3
Acceptable Inside Out Projects An Inside-Out Project Proposal Form needs to be filled out before a project can be started. Proposal Form needs to be given to your Advisor to review and edit with you. Once approved, scholars can work on their own, and check in with their advisor on their project throughout the school year.
Inside/Out Project Guidelines Segue scholars must create an Inside/Out project to submit into their portfolio. The Inside Out Project should display a student’s interest, passion or curiosity. For example, it can be a “How To” video or a slideshow showing information that they collected when researching a particular topic of their choice. The Inside Out Project can also relate to something that they are doing inside or outside of school- it cannot be a project done in school with a teacher for a classroom grade. For example: Inside of School: After-School Programs, MAGn’T Electives, Sports, etc. Outside of School: Sports, Cheerleading, Baking, Sewing, Creating a play, Playing on neighborhood teams, tracking your exercise/progress, creating a website, writing a short story. Requirements 1. The project must have a Written component. (i.e.: captions for pictures, step by step instructions on how to bake a cake, lyrics for a song, etc.) The reflection for the Inside/Out project can NOT be used as the written component. 2. The project must have a Visual component. (i.e: pictures of you baking a cake or scoring a goal. A video of you acting in a play or cheerleading.) 3. The project must have an Oral Presentation component. (You will meet this component when you present your Inside Out Project to your advisory.) 4. Scholars must write a proposal for any prospective project. 5. A scholar’s advisor is the sole person who can accept/reject an Inside/Out project proposal. 6. Scholars must write a reflection on their experience doing the Inside/Out project. Reflection Describe what you did for your project. Describe your experience doing this inside/out project. If you were to do the same project again, what would you change?
Community Service Projects Need to be in non-profit organizations (library, schools, church, etc.) It is suggested that you talk to your advisor before going to your community service. The adult who supervises you doing community service MUST sign the Community Service Sheet (next slide.) You MUST reflect on your Community Service experience.
Review Portfolio Calendar (See Calendar in Portfolio Tab on Weebly Site)