Lunch and Learn 1st Grade Math
Why has math instruction changed?
To ensure that children graduate with the skills they need to succeed Performance of U.S. students is significantly weaker than other countries To develop habits of mind
How has math instruction changed?
Math content is more focused Manipulatives and models make the abstract more concrete Talk about thinking and strategies Real world problems
How does GoMath give us the tools to embrace these changes?
Unlock the problem Engaging activities to introduce and reinforce skills Explicit instruction of strategies MegaMath ITools Grab n’ Go
First Grade Benchmarks
Adding and subtracting up to 10 with automaticity Understanding the rules of addition and subtraction Solving word problems that involve adding or subtracting numbers up through 20 Understanding place value in two-digit numbers Comparing two-digit numbers using the symbols > (more than), = (equal to) , and < (less than) Adding one- and two-digit numbers together Measuring the lengths of objects Putting objects in order according to their lengths Organizing objects into categories Dividing circles and rectangles into halves and quarters
Knowledge and Strategy Knowledge – Number identification, number sequence and order, place value, basic facts Strategy – Count on, doubles +1, make ten, part/part/whole
How can parents support their children?
“Mommy…I can’t do it…” Questions to Ask Background for myself What did you learn in class today? What words or pictures did your teacher use? What have you tried so far? What else would you try Would a math tool help? Does your answer make sense? Background for myself Access the lesson
You set the tone Everyday opportunities Talk about it Technology Perseverance