Public Forum Debate
PF Debate Terms Resolution: The topic being debated (Past Resolutions) Pro: The team supporting the resolution Con: The team opposing the resolution Crossfire: The questioning period in PF debate where both debaters ask questions Prep Time: Time used to organize your speech/thoughts
Before the Round Begins A coin toss starts the round The team winning the coin toss selects pro/con or 1st/2nd The other team selects the remaining choice
Time Format (First three speeches) 1st speaker for team A delivers a 4 minute speech 1st speaker for team B delivers a 4 minute speech 1st speaker for team A and 1st speaker for tam B have a 3 minute crossfire period Person who spoke 1st gets the first question
Time Format (Next three speeches) 2nd speaker for team A gives a 4 minute speech 2nd speaker for team B gives a 4 minute speech 2nd speaker from team A and second speaker from team B have a 3 minute crossfire Person who spoke 1st gets the first question
Time Format (Next three speeches) 1st speaker for team A gives a 2 minute speech 1st speaker for team B gives a 2 minute speech All 4 speakers have a 3 minute crossfire Team that spoke 1st gets the first question
Time Format (Final 2 speeches) 2nd speaker for team A gives a 2 minute speech 2nd speaker for team B gives a 2 minute speech
Final Time Format (Jingle Bells) 4,4,3 2,2,3,2,2 2 minutes prep time
1st Speech Responsibilities Only “canned” speech of the round You read your pro/con case The first crossfire should be used to clarify arguments and define where clash exists. Both debaters should stand during two person crossfire.
2nd Speech Responsibilities To attack the case of their opponents Answer attacks made upon their own arguments by their opponents. Address issues brought up in the first crossfire The second crossfire should advance the debate by finding areas of agreement and attacking arguments with which the debater does not agree. Contradictions should be exposed. Both debaters should stand during two person Crossfire.
3rd Speech Responsibilities The summary speeches should consolidate their positions by defending the most important point in their own case and attack the most important point in the opponents case. Grand crossfire is to find areas of agreement, highlight clash, and expose areas of opponent weakness. All debaters should be seated during Grand Crossfire
Final Speech Responsibilities The final two speeches are known as the final focus Restate the reason(s) why your team has won the debate Urge a vote in your favor Delivery should be conversational in style but absent flaws like vocal pauses, fast delivery, poor articulation, and lack of vocal variety
Were You Paying Attention??? What is the topic being debated called? What is the side supporting the resolution? What is the side negating the resolution? What choices do you have if you win the coin flip? What is the time format for PF debate? How much prep time does each team get? What is the last speech called?
Review Continued What is the questioning period called? Who gets to ask the first question? What should you do in your second speech? How is the first speech different from every other speech?