TEHNOLOGIA MATERIALELOR Conf. dr. ing. Gabriela STRNAD TCM, IEI TEHNOLOGIA MATERIALELOR CURS 8 Conf. dr. ing. Gabriela STRNAD gabriela.strnad@ing.upm.ro http://magnum.engineering.upm.ro/~gabriela.strnad/
3.3. TURNAREA ÎN FORME PERMANENTE (PERMANENT MOULD CASTING) 3.3.1. TURNAREA GRAVITAȚIONALĂ (GRAVITY DIE CASTING) permanent mould casting.avi video permanent mould casting
Etapele procedeului de turnare gravitațională
(PRESSURE DIE CASTING) 3.3.2. TURNAREA SUB PRESIUNE (PRESSURE DIE CASTING) die casting 1.avi video die casting
TURNAREA LA PRESIUNE SCĂZUTĂ (LOW PRESSURE DIE CASTING) low pressure die casting.avi video low pressure die casting
Turnarea sub presiune scăzută a jantelor metalice, imagine și schemă a matriței și imagine a mașinii de turnat
TURNAREA LA PRESIUNE ÎNALTĂ (HIGH PRESSURE DIE CASTING) The molten metal is injected into mold cavity (die) under high pressure (7-350 MPa). Pressure maintained during solidification. • Hot chamber (pressure of 7 to 35 MPa) – the injection system is submerged under the molten metals (low melting point metals such as magnesium, zinc, tin and lead and theirs alloys) • Cold chamber (pressure of 14 to 350 MPa) – external melting container (high melting point metals such as aluminum and copper and theirs alloys) Molds are made of tool steel, mold steel, maraging steel, tungsten and molybdenum. • Single or multiple cavity • Lubricants and ejector pins to free the parts • Venting holes and passageways in die
Mașina de turnat cu cameră caldă hot chamber die casting.avi video hot chamber die casting http://www.custompartnet.com/wu/die-casting
Etapele ciclului de turnare
Mașina de turnat cu cameră rece cold chamber die casting.avi video cold chamber die casting http://www.custompartnet.com/wu/die-casting
Etapele ciclului de turnare
centrifugal casting orizontal.avi centrifugal casting vertical.avi http://www.custompartnet.com/wu/centrifugal-casting video centrifugal casting orizontal.avi centrifugal casting vertical.avi video orizontal centrifugal casting video vertical centrifugal casting
Cost comparison for different casting technologies Over 75 million tons of cast components worth more than $150 billion are produced annually by over 35.000 foundries worldwide. About 15 million tones of castings are recycled every year. According to the worldwide census of casting production, the top nations include China, USA, Japan, Russia, Germany, India, France, Italy, Mexico and Brazil. The average productivity of foundries worldwide is about 2000 tones per year.
IMPORTANT Studenții care nu au fost prezenți la cursul 8 vor prezenta în cursul săptămânii 8, la lucrarea de laborator, notițe scrise de mână (4...6 pagini) care să arate faptul că au studiat din capitolul 3 al cursului Tehnologia Materialelor I subcapitolul 3.3 (pag. 86...94).