Cellular Processes and structure Energy and Matter Free energy Macromolecules Interactions between molecules Photosynthesis Cellular respiration Cycles of matter
Cycles of Matter AP Framework: 2.A.3 Holtzclaw: 283-284 Campbell: 55.4
Organisms exchange matter with the environment
Organisms build molecules using atoms from the environment Examples: Carbon Nitrogen Phosphorous Water
Carbon Forms 4 covalent bonds Bonds readily with other atoms “backbone” of macromolecules variety of shapes and structures (chain, ring, branched, etc)
Biogeochemical Cycles
Carbon cycle Carbon moves from the environment to organisms used by all organisms used to build carbohydrates proteins lipids nucleic acids used in storage compounds cell formation Back into environment prokaryotic and eukaryotic respiration Fossil fuels
Nitrogen Cycle Nitrogen moves from the environment to organisms used in building proteins nucleic acids Goes back into the environment into soil and water as waste urea, uric acid decomposition released into atmosphere by bacteria nitrogen fixation
Phosphorus cycle Phosphorus moves from the environment to organisms used in nucleic acids some lipids phospholipids Goes back into the environment into soil and water passed back and forth as phosphate ion PO43-
Living systems depend on the special properties of water Due to polarity and hydrogen bonding Cohesion Adhesion High specific heat capacity Heat of vaporization Heat of fusion Solid is less dense Universal solvent supports reactions Choose one of these properties and explain its importance to living things Capillary action
Be able to 2.8 Use data to justify the types of molecules that an animal, plant or bacterium will take up as necessary building blocks and excrete as waste products. 2.9 Use graphs or models to demonstrate the following exchange of molecules between an organism and its environment the use of these molecules to build new molecules the use of these molecules to maintain dynamic homoeostasis, growth and reproduction.