Religion in Early America Mrs. Housenick US History 9/5/12
Religious Founders of America Many of groups who left England to begin colonies came for religious reasons Puritans--came to escape Church of England, wanted own church with no traces of Catholicism Settled mainly in New England Focus on family Hard work was sign of being “saved” by God--> PROTESTANT WORK ETHIC
Religious Founders of America ctnd. Quakers--established Pennsylvania Emphasis on equality, peace, and stood against slavery Allowed religious tolerance for all in PA Maryland--established as haven for Catholics Many of the 13 colonies were very religious places Lead to emphasis on religious freedom in America
Religious Intolerance in Colonies In some colonies, like Massachusetts, you had to follow Puritan religion or couldn’t live there. In Maryland, death penalty for anyone who denied holiness of Jesus Salem Witch Trials show ways religion used to accuse and punish some
Religious Revivals Masses became reconnected to and reinspired by religion Early 1700s: First Great Awakening--emphasized personal commitment to religion, inspired a challenge to traditional authority Late 1700s: Second Great Awakening--emphasized need to improve society Inspired many to speak out against slavery
Intolerance Towards Mormons 1820s: Joseph Smith began Mormonism in New York Religious beliefs and practices angered Protestants ESPECIALLY POLYGAMY Persecuted in New York, so escaped to Ohio and Illinois Violence continued, Smith was killed in Illinois Mormons followed Brigham Young to Utah to live in peace Eventually rejected polygamy, now more accepted by mainstream