Why Britain was sooooooooo successful…
“The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire”
#1 Location England as island-- which makes them very accessible They controlled trade The had colonies in the West Indies, North America, and India
#2 Success in War The More victories the English won, more land they had
#3 Favorable Business Climate (nothing to do with weather) Britain had fewer restrictions on trade than France and other European countries.
#4 Act of Union The Act of Union in 1707, joined England and Scotland to make (United Kingdom of Great Britain) Cross of St. George (England) + Cross of St. Andrew (Scotland) + Cross of St. Patrick (Ireland)
Political Institutions Political Parties- groups of people who share the same political idea We (USA) have Democrats and Republicans
Political Institutions In England they have the Whigs and the Tories The Tories or Tory Party… think conservatory… they are conservative, wealthy landowners who backed the monarchy and they believe in the status quo or keeping things the way they are (or were) The Whigs- they were liberals who backed Parliament. They supported urban business interests. They wanted change and did not support broad powers of the king.
Cabinet Early 1700s- English King George I, was from Germany and spoke no English. He needed a group of trusted people to help him rule. His group was called a cabinet. (The President of the USA also has a cabinet- Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense… etc.)