The War of 1812
Essential Questions Why did war break out with Britain in 1812? How did the war's end affect the United States? What events led to the economic panic of 1819? What issues led to the Missouri Compromise?
Key Terms Impressment War of 1812 Treaty of Ghent Battle of New Orleans Depression Missouri Compromise
Causes of the War American expansion into the Northwest Territory led to clashes with Native Americans. In some cases, the British were accused of supporting the Native Americans.
Causes of the War The British navy continued Impressment of American sailors, and refusing to let Americans trade with France.
Causes of the War Some Americans were also interested in annexing Canada. “War Hawks” Henry Clay (KY) and John C. Calhoun (SC).
Annexation of Canada Some American leaders thought conquest of Canada would give Americans a better negotiating position with the British over sailors’ rights. Also, it would stop them from arming natives in the Northwest Territories, and cut off food supplies for British colonies in the West Indies. Other leaders saw Canada as a poorly-defended outpost of former American dissidents that was ripe for the taking.
The War of 1812 2 1 4 3 5 6 7 Fighting began with an American invasion of Upper Canada. American invaders burned the capitol at York. The British effectively blockaded the entire American coast.
The War of 1812 2 1 4 3 5 6 7 Another attempted invasion was launched towards Montreal. British troops landed in the Chesapeake and burned Washington. A peace treaty was signed in Ghent, Belgium in December of 1814. But fighting continued until word of the peace reached the soldiers.
The War's Consequences Although the Treaty of Ghent did not deal with impressment or the Indians, many were happy with the end of the war. Some called it the “second war for independence,” saying that the United States had asserted itself as an independent nation. A surge of nationalism spread through the country.