Burned Forest Area in Bulgaria 2000 – 2012 (in ha).
Number of Forest Fires in Bulgaria 2000 – 2012.
Distribution of the Forest Fires in the period 2000 - 2011.
Distribution of the Forest Fires in 2010.
Distribution of the Forest Fires in 2011.
Main Causes for Forest Fires 2000 - 2011 Fires caused by negligence 30% Technical fault 4% Natural /lightning/ 1% Burning of stubbles and vegetation 35% Arson 5% Unknown 18% Other known causes 7%
Main Causes for Forest Fires in 2012 Fires caused by negligence 13% Technical fault 3% Natural /lightning/ 5% Burning of stubbles and vegetation 39% Arson Unknown 21% Other known causes 14%
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Vladimir Konstantinov Executive Forest Agency Dep. “Forest Protection” stat. tel. 00359 2 987 51 44 fax 00359 2 981 37 36 e-mail: vl_konstantinov@iag.bg vl.konstantinov@gmail.com web page: www.iag.bg