1. What service users and carers say about our services – the friends and family test
Friends & Family: Positive Response (Feb 2017)
2. Staffing indicators Supervision, appraisal and sickness absence
Staffing: supervision (Mar), appraisal (Mar) and sickness (Feb)
3. Statutory / Mandatory training rates
Stat / Man training (March 2017)
4. Bank & Agency usage
Bank & Agency: usage
Bank & Agency: by locality
5. Out of Trust bed usage
Out of Trust placements
6. Delayed Transfers of Care
Delayed Transfers of Care (DTOC) -- Trend by type of bed (2nd Jan to 1st April 2017)
Delayed Transfers of Care (DTOC) -- Trend by reason (2nd Jan to 1st April 2017)
7. NHS Improvement: compliance with operational performance metrics
NHS Improvement: Compliance Dashboard