Arkansas Rescuing Unwanted Furry Friends ADOPTION CONTRACT This agreement, made this date: is between ARRUFF (hereafter referred to as Rescue), and hereafter referred to as the Adopting Party). In consideration of the terms outlined in this agreement, Rescue hereby agrees to adopt out one dog from rescue described as follows: Name: Gender: Description TERMS OF ADOPTION I. Adopting Parties Responsibilities: A. Adopting party can not give the dog to anyone other than Rescue and agrees to return the dog to Rescue if ever unable to keep the dog. B. Adopting party agrees to exercise normal care in maintaining the health of this Dog. This includes but is not limited to: The adopting party will spay/neuter their dog NO LATER THAN 6 months of age, if adopting a puppy. Adopting party will not dock tails or ears, if applicable. C. Adopting party will maintain this dog on a proper diet and at a weight sensible for its size and age. Adopting party will provide fresh food, fresh water, and plenty of exercise daily. D. Adopting party will provide routine preventative care which includes: a. Annual physical examinations by a licensed veterinarian. b. Vaccinations for DHLPP, Rabies, and Bordetella as required by your veterinarian. c. Annual fecal examinations and heartworm screenings. d. Monthly Heartworm preventative used all year long. e. Lyme disease vaccinations as recommended by your veterinarian. E. Adopting party agrees to always keep this dog within a fenced yard (not on a chain) or supervised on a leash; Adopting party agrees to never leave this dog outside when no one is home, to never allow the dog to be tied to a doghouse or to a chain, nor left unsupervised in a yard for extremely long periods thus resulting in the dogs possible digging, climbing out, or barking endlessly. F. Adopting Party agrees to always transport this dog in a safe manner and never loose in the open bed of a pick-up truck. II. Additional Terms of Adoption A. The typical characteristics and temperament of the dog have been explained to me. B. I have been advised that the dog can sometimes dig, chew, soil, and exhibit other undesirable traits unless properly supervised, confined, and trained. Proper training is a must. I have been advised that this dog may have been neglected, mistreated, or abused and that special care and/or precautions may be required. I have been advised that this dog will need time to adjust to new routines, new family and new surroundings, and may be anywhere from a few days to several months. In addition, I/we are aware that the dog may need training in basic house manners. I agree to carefully introduce the new dog to the existing dogs and cats. Coming to a new home is stressful for the new dog and your existing animals. Careful introduction is a must. Your new dog needs time and space to adjust to the surroundings and your existing animals need to feel they are not being replaced or crowded. Introducing the new dog can result in growling, barking, submissive urination or other undesirable behavior. Properly managing the introductions is therefore important. I agree to take my new dog to dog obedience school to help him or her become a happy well-adjusted family pet.
Arkansas Rescuing Unwanted Furry Friends ADOPTION CONTRACT Every effort is made to make sure that any dog that is placed in rescue is thoroughly evaluated for its temperament, health, physical soundness and overall adoptability, before it is ever offered up for adoption. However, Rescue cannot and does not guarantee the health or temperament of said dog, has no documentation on the actual breed unless otherwise provided or lineage of the rescued dog, and costs for medical care after placement adoption are the responsibility of the adopting party(s). We strongly encourage you to consider insurance for your new dog. It is further agreed that if the Adopting party fails to perform any of those acts which he/she has guaranteed to perform, that the Rescue may, at its option, revoke this agreement and retake possession of the dog with the Adopting party forfeiting further right to the dog. Adopting party(s) agrees to hold harmless and release Rescue and/or its members, volunteers and other individuals working for and/or assisting with rescue from all liability, claims, and/or causes of action arising from any acts, injury and/or occurrences engaged in and/or caused by the dog subject to this agreement, as well as indemnification for damages, court costs, and/or attorney's fees incurred by the Rescue and/or its members for any court proceedings relating to such matters. Adoption fees are non refundable unless you have obtained written agreement otherwise. THE UNDERSIGNED ADOPTING PARTY/PARTIES HAVE READ THE FOREGOING ADOPTION AGREEMENT AND HOLD HARMLESS-RELEASE AGREEMENT AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THE SAME AND AGREE TO BE BOUND TO ITS PROVISIONS. Karen Ragsdale ____________________________________________________________ Karen Ragsdale - Rescue Representative ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Printed name of Adopter(s) Signature of Adopter(s) Phone number of Adopter(s) Thank you for providing a wonderful forever home for one of our rescued dogs !!!